Chapter 34: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The Second Set

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As the boys gathered, their frustration was evident, but their hope and determination still burned brightly. Sensing their mixed emotions, (y/n) made her way around the group, offering support and encouragement alongside Kiyoko. Her presence brought a sense of comfort to the players, knowing that they had someone in their corner who believed in them wholeheartedly.

Approaching Daichi and Asahi, (y/n) couldn't contain her excitement as she drew closer to the two captains. With a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, she extended her hand, ready for a high-five that would undoubtedly spark a playful exchange. Daichi and Asahi, caught off guard by (y/n)'s sudden burst of enthusiasm, blinked in surprise before reciprocating the gesture.

Their hands met in a resounding clap, but there was a slight miscalculation in their timing. Instead of a clean high-five, their palms grazed against each other, resulting in a comical fumble that sent (y/n)'s hair into a delightful disarray. Asahi's face turned a shade of crimson, his eyes widening in embarrassment, while Daichi's cheeks flushed, mirroring his teammate's reaction.

"(Y/n)-san, I... I'm sorry," Asahi stammered, his voice filled with genuine contrition. "I didn't mean to mess up the high-five. I hope I didn't hurt you."

A smile danced across (y/n)'s lips as she brushed off the mishap with a lighthearted wave of her hand. "Oh, don't worry, Asahi-senpai! It was all part of the fun!" she reassured him, her tone warm and reassuring. "Besides, you didn't hurt me at all. It was just a little hair ruffling. Consider it a bonus high-five!"

Daichi, ever the dependable captain, joined in the conversation, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, Asahi, don't worry too much. (Y/n)-san seems to be enjoying it," he remarked, his voice filled with amusement.

Embarrassment turned into a mixture of relief and amusement as Asahi chuckled softly, realizing that (y/n) was taking the playful mishap in stride. "Well, I'm glad you're not mad. I'm not used to being so clumsy," he admitted, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"But it suits you," (y/n) chimed in, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "The momentary mix-up only added to the charm of the encounter. Besides, who doesn't love a bit of hair ruffling? It's like a friendly pat on the head!"

Asahi's face flushed an even deeper shade of red, a bashful smile gracing his features. Daichi, ever the pillar of strength, couldn't help but chuckle at their exchange, his eyes crinkling with warmth.

"(Y/n)-san, you certainly know how to make a memorable entrance," Daichi remarked, his voice laced with amusement. "But it's always a pleasure to see your infectious energy. It's a boost for all of us."

"Well, if my presence can bring a smile to your faces, then I consider it a job well done," (y/n) responded with a playful wink. "After all, we're in this together, as a team."

The atmosphere between them lightened, and laughter filled the air as they exchanged a few more lighthearted words. It was moments like these, the simple connections and shared laughter, that solidified the bond between (y/n) and the Karasuno team.

Leaving the blushing duo of Daichi and Asahi behind, (y/n) couldn't contain her excitement as she hurried over to the second-year dynamic duo, Tanaka and Nishinoya. The anticipation of praising their impressive plays during the set bubbled within her, fueling her every step. With a burst of energy, she leaped at them, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

"Tanaka-senpai! Nishinoya-senpai!" (y/n) exclaimed, her voice brimming with genuine excitement. "You guys were absolutely incredible out there! That spike, Tanaka-senpai, it was like a thunderclap! And Nishinoya-senpai, your receives were like a fortress wall, impenetrable!"

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