Chapter 82: Newfound Motivation

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(Y/n) and Kageyama had finally made it back to Karasuno, it seemed like the practice had ended. Hinata and Kageyama started talking about what had happened at Aoba Johsai but (y/n) was more interested in the weird expression on her brother's face.

"What's up with you, Nii-chan?" she questioned, noticing his odd expression. "You look weird."

"Oi, Jinx, that's rude." Keishin responded "Tsukishima just asked for some advice is all."

"All right, String Bean! Finally found your motivation!" (y/n) cheered, trying to lighten the mood.

"Come now, Munchkin-san, your enthusiasm is embarrassing," the tall middle blocker teased, referring to (Y/n)'s small stature.

Rolling her eyes at the familiar banter, (y/n) quipped, "Yeah, yeah, why don't you try and come up with something new to say. So, you'll join your brother's practice I take it?"

"I don't know yet..." Tsukishima mumbled.

"Your older brother has a team? Practicing with older, bigger guys could be beneficial." Keishin chimed in "Their spikes will be very strong, perfect blocking practice."

Curious, Tsukishima asked, "Blocking stronger guys... How do I do that?"

"It's all about timing," Keishin explained confidently. "Even a small child could stop Tanaka's spike if they get the timing right."

"What!?" Tanaka protested, slightly offended.

Offering an example, Keishin continued, "If you want a good example, Nekoma's Kuroo is the one who seems to have the best understanding of blocking."

Excitedly, (y/n) interjected, "And we'll be going to Nekoma soon for another practice match! Join their extra practice and learn from them!"

Tsukishima sighed, finding the idea of practicing against stronger opponents slightly irritating. "They're so annoying..."

"But think of it as a great opportunity," (y/n) encouraged. "Practicing against Bokuto-senpai's spikes will help you improve. If you get invited again, don't refuse."

As the day's practice came to an end, the team dispersed, and it was time to head home. With just a few days left until their visit to Nekoma High, (y/n) hoped Tsukishima would take Keishin's advice and practice with his brother's team.

Back at home, (y/n) couldn't shake off the worry about Tsukishima's motivation. She pondered over what could truly ignite his passion for volleyball. Suddenly, her phone buzzed with a message from the "salty blonde."

String Bean: I couldn't stop the spikes.

Munchkin: You joined your brother?

String Bean: Obviously.

Munchkin: Practice makes perfect. You'll get used to their spikes eventually.

String Bean: Their wing spiker is a jerk.

Munchkin: The pot calling the kettle black? 🙄

String Bean: Not helping 😒

Munchkin: Learn from Kuroo-senpai when we go to Nekoma, you'll block the jerk after that with ease!

String Bean: I'm not asking the bedhead for help.

Munchkin: Start by observing him, you'll see what we mean.

String Bean: Maybe.

(Y/n) smiled, realizing that Tsukishima might find the motivation he needed on his own. "Guess I'll have to ask for help on this," she thought.


The day had finally arrived for Karasuno to head to Nekoma High for their practice match. As the team gathered near the bus, the excitement was palpable.

"I want to sit next to (y/n)-san!" Hinata exclaimed, jumping up and down with enthusiasm.

"No way, idiot!" Kageyama retorted, trying to hide his own excitement.

Coach Keishin let out a sigh, used to their antics by now. "Here we go again," he muttered under his breath.

"I'll sit next to Yamaguchi today," (y/n) declared, catching the freckled boy by surprise as she took his hand and made her way to the back of the bus.

Yamaguchi's heart was pounding in his chest; (y/n) had chosen to sit with him after all. But as he sat down next to her, a tinge of disappointment hit him when she immediately pulled out her phone. Trying not to show his emotions, he gazed out of the window with a slight pout.

Sensing his unease, (y/n) tapped his arm gently, getting his attention. She nodded towards her phone, where she had typed something in the notes app.

"I need your help," she whispered, not wanting the others to overhear. "Tsukishima seems to finally take an interest in improving, but I don't know what to do with it. I feel like my enthusiasm will just discourage him."

Yamaguchi was taken aback but quickly typed a response on his phone, "Tsukki thinks putting in a lot of effort is lame, especially if it doesn't matter in the end."

(Y/n) pondered his message for a moment. 'If it doesn't matter in the end... What does that mean?' she wondered.

"Losing a match is lame too, right? Being bad at something is lame too, right? Wouldn't he prefer to be good at something?" (y/n) replied, hoping to shed some light on Tsukishima's perspective.

A small chuckle escaped Yamaguchi's lips as he read (y/n)'s response. "It's complicated. But he does hate being lame," he added. "Tsukki will be fine on his own, don't worry too much about him."

Grateful for Yamaguchi's insight, (y/n) put her phone away with a smile. "Thank you, Yamaguchi!" she said, looking up at him appreciatively.

"Anytime, (y/n)-san," Yamaguchi replied with a bashful grin. He felt a sense of warmth knowing that (y/n) trusted him enough to seek his advice.

As the bus ride to Nekoma High continued, (y/n) and Yamaguchi engaged in lighthearted conversation. The journey seemed to pass by quickly as they enjoyed each other's company.

"We've arrived!" Coach Keishin called out as the bus came to a stop. "Get off the bus and hurry to the gymnasium, time to warm up."

Excitement filled the air as the Karasuno team entered the gymnasium, ready to start their warm-up.

"Hey, hey, Tsukki!" Bokuto's enthusiastic voice echoed through the gym. "You gonna come block for me again today? I betcha you are! Right!? Right!?"

Many people expected an instant rejection from Tsukishima, given his usual reserved demeanor. However, to everyone's surprise, including Bokuto's, Tsukishima responded, "Okay, I'll be glad to join you."

A bright smile spread across (y/n)'s face, and she turned to Yamaguchi, who was grinning back at her.

'He'll be fine on his own after all. Way to go, String Bean!' (y/n) thought with pride.

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