Chapter 151: Karsuno VS Inarizaki - The Third And Final Set

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The Karasuno team trudged back to their side of the court, weariness etched on their faces after the grueling second set. (Y/n), standing amidst the crowd of cheering supporters, felt a surge of anticipation mingled with anxiety. She longed to offer words of encouragement to her beloved team, but the right words eluded her.

Just as she struggled to find her voice, Daichi stepped forward, his authoritative presence calming the restless spirits of his teammates. With unwavering confidence, he urged them to leave the disappointments of the previous set behind and focus on the task at hand. (Y/n) couldn't help but admire his leadership, finding solace in his reassuring words.

The whistle blew, signaling the start of the third set, and all eyes turned to the formidable figure of Atsumu, poised to deliver his thunderous serves once again. Despite Daichi and Nishinoya's preemptive call of it going out, the ball defied expectations, swerving gracefully over the line and landing in Inarizaki's favor. A collective gasp echoed through the gymnasium as the first point slipped through Karasuno's grasp.

Undeterred, Karasuno rallied, their determination shining through in every play. As Atsumu prepared for his second serve, tension hung thick in the air. With bated breath, (y/n) watched as the ball sailed towards the net, only to meet its demise in the unforgiving mesh. Nishinoya, like a bolt of lightning, darted across the court, his outstretched arms snatching the ball from the jaws of defeat. With a precise set from Nishinoya, Asahi rose to the occasion, delivering a thunderous spike that reverberated through the gymnasium. Karasuno's supporters erupted into cheers as the score was leveled, effectively putting an end to Atsumu's serving spree.

As Asahi stepped up to serve, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with anticipation. The recent rotation switch piqued her curiosity, wondering if it would indeed prove effective against Inarizaki's formidable lineup. Her gaze shifted to Tsukishima, who stood tall and focused, ready to face the challenge posed by Osamu and Suna. Beside him, Kageyama exuded confidence, a subtle gleam of determination in his eyes as he prepared to thwart Inarizaki's ace, Ojiro.

The set commenced with Asahi's serve, and (y/n) held her breath, her eyes fixed on the trajectory of the ball. Karasuno seized an early lead as they swiftly capitalized on their strategic adjustments, the scoreboard displaying a promising 2-3 in their favor. A sense of hope surged within (Y/n) as she watched her team execute their game plan with precision.

The momentum continued to swing in Karasuno's favor, Tsukishima's calculated blocks stifling Suna's attempts to gain ground. (Y/n) couldn't help but marvel at the effectiveness of the new strategy, a sense of pride swelling within her with each point scored in Karasuno's favor.

However, the match was far from over, and as the score reached 4-6 in Karasuno's favor, Kinoshita was granted his final opportunity to shine as a pinch server in this match. Despite the pressure weighing heavily on his shoulders, Kinoshita exuded an air of determination, his eyes ablaze with resolve. (Y/n) couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at her lips, feeling a surge of pride for her teammate's unwavering determination.

Yet, luck seemed to elude Kinoshita on this particular occasion, as Inarizaki managed to break through Karasuno's defenses and score despite his efforts. Disappointment clouded Kinoshita's expression as he made his way back to the sidelines, and (y/n) couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. Stepping forward, she offered words of encouragement, her voice laced with sincerity and support.

"Hey, Kinoshita-senpai, don't be too hard on yourself," (y/n) said, her tone gentle yet firm. "This may not have been your moment, but remember, this isn't your final chance in the tournament. You've got so much more to show, and we all believe in you."

Kinoshita's gaze lifted, meeting (y/n)'s with a mixture of gratitude and determination. "Thanks, (y/n)-san," he murmured, his voice tinged with newfound resolve. "I won't let this setback define me. I'll come back stronger and show everyone what I'm capable of."

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