Chapter 63: Chaos Part 2

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By 11:15 a.m., (y/n) and the Seijoh team had gathered outside Kindaichi's house, patiently awaiting his response at the front door. Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the silence as the lanky teen opened the door, a bewildered expression flickering across his face at the unexpected sight of his entire team congregated outside.

"Uh..." Kindaichi muttered, unable to hide his confusion.

"(Y/n)-chan happens to go to the same physio office where we get our supplies," Oikawa began, eager to explain. "We all ended up spending the entire morning together."

Before Oikawa could finish his sentence, however, chaos ensued. Kenta, ever vigilant and protective of (y/n), lunged at the setter with bared teeth, recognizing the brunette's arm draped casually around (y/n)'s shoulder. The shikoku wasn't about to let him encroach on his owner's personal space without a fight.

The team watched with deadpan expressions as Oikawa frantically sought refuge inside Kindaichi's house, seeking higher ground to escape from the clutches of (y/n)'s fiercely loyal canine companion.

"Have I ever mentioned how awesome your dog is?" Kindaichi chuckled, finding amusement in the spectacle unfolding before him.

Letting out a sigh, (y/n) hobbled into the house, carefully scooping up Kenta in her arms to calm him down. The little pup continued to growl at the shrieking third-year, who had taken refuge on the dining table. The rest of the Seijoh guys followed suit, entering the house one by one, wearing smirks that betrayed their amusement at their captain's predicament.

"He's evil, I tell you! Evil!" Oikawa's voice echoed through the house as he continued to protest.

"He just hates you, that's all. He's nice to everyone else here, Trashykawa," Iwaizumi stated matter-of-factly, his hand scratching behind Kenta's fluffy ears, eliciting a contented wag of the pup's tail.

Grumbling under his breath, Oikawa gingerly placed his feet back on the ground, warily eyeing Kenta, who maintained a watchful gaze in return. The tension between the setter and the protective shikoku dog remained palpable, creating a humorous dynamic among the team members.

As the laughter subsided, (y/n) took a moment to catch her breath, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the unexpected diversion that Kenta had provided. Glancing around the familiar faces gathered in Kindaichi's living room, she couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a warm sense of belonging. This impromptu gathering had brought them closer together, showcasing the unique bond they shared both on and off the volleyball court.

Realizing that Kindaichi had taken care of Kenta for her, (y/n) suddenly felt a pang of guilt for not expressing her gratitude properly.

"Oh, Kindaichi!" she called out to him, her voice filled with appreciation. "I haven't paid you or anything, and this is the second time you've taken care of Kenta for me."

Kindaichi blushed and hurriedly waved off her concern. "O-oh! It's alright, really. He's pretty easy to take care of, and I don't mind. I'm happy to help!"

Amidst the exchange, Kunimi couldn't help but interject with a teasing smirk. "Yeah, so he can swoon over her when she picks him up again."

Feeling the need to reciprocate Kindaichi's kindness, (y/n) insisted, "I insist. If you won't let me pay you, can I at least make you some food or something?"

The mention of food caused Kindaichi's tall figure to squeak in surprise, his face turning beet red. 'Sh-she wants to cook... for me!?' The thought of (y/n) in an apron, preparing a meal, sent his imagination into a flutter. And he wasn't the only one entertaining such thoughts.

"No response? Taking that as a yes," (y/n) declared, determination shining in her eyes. "All of you, go relax. I'm making food. And Kenta, be good. No biting Oikawa-senpai, okay?"

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