Chapter 6: First Class

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Dressed in her freshly washed uniform, (y/n) was excited to start her first day at Karasuno High School. She checked herself in the mirror one more time, ensuring that she looked presentable enough for her new school. As she made her way out of the clubroom and towards the school, she couldn't help but feel a little lost and overwhelmed.

At first, she thought she would be able to walk with Yamaguchi but then she remembered a certain String Brean. Deciding against that idea, she figured she would just try and find the classroom herself. Wandering out towards the school, a loud voice called out her name and caught her attention. Turning around, (y/n) saw Nishinoya running towards her, a huge smile on his face.

"Hey Nishinoya-senpai! What can I do for you?" She asked him.

"I was going to offer to show you to your class, since you probably haven't had the chance to explore the school yet." He explained.

"That'd be great! Thanks!" She smiled at him.

As they walked through the school, Nishinoya pointed out different parts of the building and shared stories about his experiences at Karasuno.

The conversation turned towards volleyball, and they chatted excitedly about their positions and techniques. Nishinoya talked about his famous "Rolling Thunder" technique and (y/n) was excited to see it in action.

Finally, they reached (y/n)'s classroom and Nishinoya gave her a warm smile. "Here you are! I'm glad I could help. Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything else."

"Thank you so much, Nishinoya-senpai! I really appreciate your help." (y/n) beamed at him, feeling grateful for his kindness.

Smiling, they said goodbye to each other and (y/n) entered her classroom, officially starting her first day at Karasuno High.

As (y/n) entered her classroom, she felt more at ease knowing that she had already made another friend on the team. This was just the beginning of her journey at Karasuno High School, and she was excited for all the adventures that lay ahead.

'Everyone on the team is so nice. Well, except for Tsukishima, but I guess he's charming in his own weird way.' Lost in her own thoughts, (y/n) sat at her desk replaying all the events that happened with the boys this morning.

This quiet, peaceful moment didn't last long.


As the class dragged on, (y/n) found herself growing increasingly agitated. Tsukishima's childish behavior was getting on her last nerve. She couldn't believe that he was so immature even in the classroom.

'I swear I'm going to smash his smug face into a wall.' (y/n) thought to herself.

Tsukishima's constant kicking of her chair was starting to give her a headache. She tried her best to ignore him, but he was like a persistent fly that just wouldn't go away. Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, he started tearing off pieces of his eraser and throwing them at her. It was bad enough that he was disrupting her learning, but now he was physically assaulting her too.

(Y/n) turned around, her eyes blazing with anger, and glared at Tsukishima. "What is your problem?" she hissed at him. "Why are you always picking on me?"

Tsukishima just smirked at her, clearly enjoying her discomfort. "What can I say? You're an easy target," he said, tossing another piece of eraser at her.

Of course, with (y/n)'s luck, that one piece landed right down her shirt. Honey-brown eyes gleamed in victory. As (y/n) tried to discreetly fish the eraser out of her shirt, she caught Yamaguchi looking at her apologetically. She could tell that he was just as frustrated as she was with Tsukishima's behavior. She wondered how he could stand to be friends with someone like that.

Despite her irritation, (y/n) tried to focus on the lesson. She didn't want to let Tsukishima get the better of her. But every time she thought she had managed to ignore him, he would do something else to get under her skin.

The teacher at the front of the classroom spoke up, announcing that for the remainder of the class everyone would be working in pairs on a worksheet.

The teacher's announcement seemed like a blessing in disguise, giving (y/n) the chance to focus on something other than the irritating presence of Tsukishima behind her. However, fate seemed to have a different plan in mind as she realized that she would have to work with the very person she wanted to avoid.

Sighing internally, she turned her chair around to face Tsukishima, who was already smirking at her. She gritted her teeth and tried to ignore his comments, but he didn't make it easy for her.

"Looks like we're stuck with each other," he commented, and (y/n) fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"I'll do most of the work. You just sit there and look pretty," she replied sarcastically, causing Tsukishima's smirk to widen.

As they worked on the worksheet, Tsukishima continued to throw jabs at her. (Y/n) tried her best to ignore him, but when he commented on how surprised he was that she even made it into the class, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Wow, coming from the person who can't even receive properly," she shot back, a satisfied smirk forming on her lips.

Tsukishima's face flushed, and he glared at her. "I'm just pacing myself," he muttered.

"Sure you are," (y/n) said, not believing him for a second.

When she finished the worksheet before him, she couldn't help but tease him. "Need some help, String Bean?" she asked, grinning.

Tsukishima scowled but didn't respond, and (y/n) took that as a victory. As she packed her things, she felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her.

Tsukishima watched her leave the classroom, his eyes following her until she disappeared from view. He couldn't deny that he was attracted to her spunky personality and the way she never backed down from a challenge. Maybe there was more to (y/n) than he had initially thought.

"I might have underestimated you, Munchkin-san," he murmured to himself, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

As Tsukishima was lost in thought of (y/n), he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Tsukki, what was that all about?" Yamaguchi asked, concern lacing his voice.

"What do you mean?" Tsukishima replied, trying to act nonchalant.

"I mean the way you were teasing (y/n)-san during class. It seemed like you were trying to get a rise out of her."

Tsukishima let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair. "I don't know. I guess I just like to mess with her."

"But why? You can tell how much she hates it," Yamaguchi pressed.

Tsukishima frowned, feeling a little defensive. "It's not like I'm doing it to be mean. It's just... fun, I guess. Plus, she always has a comeback, which is more than I can say for most people."

Yamaguchi didn't look convinced. "I don't know, Tsukki. It just seems like you're pushing her buttons for no reason. Maybe you should lay off a little."

Tsukishima shrugged. "Maybe you're right. I'll try to tone it down."

Yamaguchi smiled, relieved. "Thanks, Tsukki. I know (y/n)-san will appreciate it."

Tsukishima grunted in response, not wanting to admit that he did actually care about what (y/n) thought of him. He made a mental note to try and be nicer to her in the future, although he wasn't sure he could resist the urge to tease her completely.

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