Chapter 77: Pre-Match Jitters

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The next morning arrived with a sense of anticipation in the air, and (y/n) found herself waking up earlier than usual, unable to contain her excitement. As she bounded out of bed, Kenta, too, roused from his slumber and stretched adorably, joining his companion in their morning routine. Together, they ventured into the kitchen, where (y/n)'s brother was already awake, engrossed in analyzing attack formations while enjoying his breakfast.

"Morning Nii-chan!" (y/n) greeted him cheerfully, making her presence known.

"Couldn't sleep properly either, Jinx?" Keishin inquired, looking up from his papers.

"Nope, not at all," (y/n) replied with a wide grin as she busied herself with preparing her own breakfast. "I'm just too excited for today. I have no doubt they'll do great."

Her brother nodded in understanding. "They've got more walls to overcome this time," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of concern.

"But no matter what the wall is, we'll find a way to deal with it," (y/n) declared with unwavering confidence. "I believe in them."

Keishin observed his sister for a moment, his gaze filled with a mixture of pride and reassurance. It was a rare occurrence for him to address her by name instead of the usual teasing nicknames, and (y/n) knew it signified the importance of their conversation.

"As I am counting on you, (y/n)," he responded earnestly. "You've become an invaluable support for the team."

A warm smile spread across (y/n)'s face, her eyes shining with determination. "And I am counting on you, Nii-chan," she said, her voice brimming with unwavering trust. "Together, we'll do everything we can to guide them to victory."

Their bond, forged through years of sibling camaraderie and shared love for the sport, grew stronger in that moment. As they finished their breakfast and prepared to leave for the tournament, a sense of unity and determination enveloped them. They knew that, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead, their unwavering support and dedication would propel the Karasuno team forward.

With a final exchange of encouraging words and a heartfelt embrace, (y/n) and Keishin set off, ready to face the challenges of the day. Their unwavering belief in the team, coupled with their shared determination, would serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward victory.


Finally arriving at the venue of the matches, (y/n) observed the team with a knowing smile. As expected, they were a bundle of nerves and excitement, their expressions a mix of anticipation and unease.

"See, Yachi, they're a mess!" (y/n) giggled, nudging the blonde beside her.

Yachi scratched the back of her head, a mixture of surprise and concern on her face. "Ah, yeah! It's unexpected, in a way. I mean, it's very different from the practice matches we did."

"The excitement and determination come after the nerves for some of them," (y/n) reassured her.

"I hope so," Yachi sighed, her worry lingering.

"Nothing to worry about, they'll get there soon enough," (y/n) laughed, her eyes following Hinata as he hurried towards the bathroom. "Uh, I'll go check on him. Don't want him to throw up again."

Handing the bag containing Kenta to Yachi, (y/n) made her way in the same direction as Hinata. The venue buzzed with activity, and in the midst of the crowd, (y/n) unintentionally collided with someone, jolting her out of her thoughts.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" she exclaimed, her gaze rising to meet the towering figure in front of her.

'He's an actual giant! Wait... Is this the 2-meter guy people were talking about?' (y/n) thought, craning her neck to meet his gaze.

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