Chapter 85: Bonds Strengthened

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The intense morning training session continued with more practice matches between Karasuno and the other teams. The gymnasium was alive with the energy of players giving their all, each team pushing their limits and trying out new strategies they had learned during the camp.

(Y/n) observes from the sidelines, her eyes following every movement of the players. As she watches, she can't help but notice how the bonds between the teammates have grown stronger. Each player seems to anticipate their teammates' moves, and their coordination has improved significantly.

As Kageyama and Hinata attempt their new quick attack again, it unfortunetly fails, Kageyama's set lands to far away for Hinata to reach.

"Their new quick set still has a success rate of about 70 percent or so." Takeda spoke up.

"Yep, nothing to do but keep practicing it untill it's muscle memory." Keishin agreed.

"Even though it's not perfect yet," (y/n) joined in "It's clear that they are improving in each practice match. These training camps are a blessing for us."

As the practice matches went on, (y/n) continued to offer encouragement and support to all the players, not just from Karasuno but also to the members of other teams. Her presence on the sidelines was a source of motivation, inspiring the players to play their best and fostering a sense of camaraderie among the teams.

During a brief break between Fukurodani's training sessions, Bokuto made his way over to (y/n) with a wide smile on his face. He had been eager to talk to her, and now was the perfect opportunity.

"Hey, (y/n)-san!" Bokuto greets her with his trademark enthusiasm.

"Bokuto-senpai!" (y/n) returns the smile. "You had some fantastic plays out there today!"

"Thanks!" Bokuto beams, his confidence soaring. "It's always fun playing with you guys. Karasuno has improved a lot since the last time we faced each other."

(Y/n) nods in agreement, "It's been amazing to see the progress. And you know what? I can't wait to play against you in a real match too."

Bokuto's eyes light up with excitement, "Yeah, me too! It's gonna be so much fun!"

"I have no doubt that you'll give us a tough fight," (y/n) says, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You're an incredible player, Bokuto-senpai. Your spikes are a force to be reckoned with."

Blushing slightly, Bokuto scratches the back of his head, "Thanks, (y/n)-san. You're an incredible coach, always cheering us on and lifting our spirits. I'm really glad you're here with us."

(Y/n) feels her cheeks warm at Bokuto's heartfelt compliment. "I'm glad to be here too, Bokuto-senpai. These teams feel like a second family to me. It's an honor to support and witness such talented players like you and the others."

Bokuto's eyes soften as he looks at (y/n), "You know, you're not just a coach to us. You're a friend and an inspiration. Your passion for volleyball and your unwavering support have had a huge impact on all of us. You motivate us to be better every day."

Touched by his words, (y/n) can't help but smile brightly, "Thank you, Bokuto-senpai. That means a lot to me. I'm proud of each and every one of you. You all have the potential to achieve greatness, and I'll be cheering for Fukurodani as much as I do for Karasuno."

Bokuto grins, "Then, let's give it our all in the upcoming matches! And when we face Karasuno in an official match, it'll be the best game ever!"

"Absolutely!" (y/n) exclaims, her heart swelling with excitement. "I can't wait for that day."

As they continue to chat, (y/n) and Bokuto share more lighthearted moments, laughing together and sharing stories from their respective teams. Their camaraderie grows stronger, solidifying the bond between them even further.

During the break for Karasuno, as the players catch their breath and grab some water, Nishinoya approaches (y/n) with a determined look on his face. He had seen an interesting move from Aoba Johsai's libero during their match, and he's eager to learn it.

"Hey, (y/n)-san," Nishinoya starts, "I saw this awesome move from Aoba Johsai's libero where he sets the ball while still being a libero. It looked so cool, and I really want to master it!"

(Y/n) raised an intrigued eyebrow, impressed by Nishinoya's enthusiasm and eagerness to learn something new. "That sounds incredible, Nishinoya-senpai! Setting as a libero can be challenging, but I'm sure you can pull it off. Let me see how you do the move, and I'll do my best to give you some tips."

Nishinoya demonstrates the move, mimicking the Watari's technique as closely as possible. As he sets the ball while not crossing the line, (y/n) observes his timing and form, trying to figure out the best way to help him.

"Your form is actually quite good," (y/n) comments, "but the key to perfecting this move is all in the timing. Since you're have to jump to cross the line, you'll have to rely on your precision and anticipation."

Nishinoya nods, eagerly absorbing (y/n)'s advice. "Okay, but how do I time my jump right?"

"Well," (y/n) begins, "you'll need to watch the ball closely from the moment it leaves your teammate's hands. Focus on its trajectory and try to anticipate where it will be at the right height for you to set it. As the ball reaches its peak, that's when you want to time your jump. It's all about getting the perfect timing and positioning yourself under the ball."

Nishinoya nods again, understanding the concept. He takes a deep breath, ready to try again.

"Remember," (y/n) encourages him, "it may take some practice to get it just right. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work perfectly on your first try. Keep practicing, and you'll get the hang of it!"

Nishinoya smiles, grateful for (y/n)'s guidance. "Thanks, (y/n)-san! I'll give it my all!"

As Nishinoya continues to practice the move, (y/n) watches him closely, offering encouragement and fine-tuning his technique as he goes. The other Karasuno players also gather around, cheering him on and giving him words of support.

Throughout the training sessions, (y/n) can't help but feel a sense of pride in her team. Not only have they grown stronger on the court, but they also have a willingness to learn and improve constantly. The camaraderie between the players is evident, and (y/n) knows that these bonds will only grow stronger as they continue to train and compete together.

As the morning training session comes to an end, the players gather in a circle, catching their breath and sharing words of appreciation for each other's efforts. (Y/n) can't help but feel a sense of pride in the team's growth and the strong camaraderie they have built during their time in Tokyo.

Each day here has been filled with excitement, growth, and meaningful connections. As the Karasuno team bids farewell to the training camp, they know that these memories will stay with them forever, and they looks forward to the next chapter of their volleyball journey.

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