Chapter 28: Observing From The Stands

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In a matter of seconds, Hinata spotted (y/n) and began waving frantically, his exuberant voice echoing across the gym. The rest of the Karasuno team attempted to calm him down, while Kageyama, Daichi, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima glared in the direction of Oikawa and his teammates, their disapproval evident.

Oikawa, unable to contain his astonishment, turned to (y/n) with a mix of disbelief and curiosity. "Wait, you know the Karasuno team?" he asked, his tone laced with incredulity.

"Yeah, I actually go to Karasuno," (y/n) replied nonchalantly. "Takeda-sensei asked me to gather some notes on Date Tech for their first match. I'm not sure why he picked me, but it's a task I'm happy to undertake."

Iwaizumi chimed in, adding, "So you're not here solely to support your own team?"

"Well, I am cheering for Karasuno too, but I have a responsibility to fulfill. It shouldn't take long though. It's pretty obvious, even for me, that Date Tech has a formidable blocking presence. I mean, they're like giants out there!" (y/n) explained, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Internally, (y/n) couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of pretending to have no knowledge of volleyball. She knew deep down that her grandfather, a former volleyball player and coach, would be disappointed in this act. However, for the sake of maintaining a neutral position and fulfilling her task, (y/n) played along, determined to observe and learn from the match.

As the three Aoba Johsai members nodded in understanding, they made room for (y/n) to sit. Intentionally positioning herself away from Oikawa, (y/n) settled between Kindaichi and Iwaizumi, feeling a sense of comfort and camaraderie in their presence.

Curiosity sparked within Kindaichi, and he ventured to ask (y/n) a question. "By the way, if you don't mind me asking, why does the entire Karasuno team address you by your first name?"

Smiling warmly, (y/n) shared her story. "Well, during middle school, I actually studied abroad in (country). It was a common practice there to address each other by our first names, so I got used to it. When I returned earlier this year to start high school, I simply let people call me by my first name. It's a small way of embracing the cultural experiences I had while away."

Kindaichi nodded, appreciating the insight into (y/n)'s background. Meanwhile, Oikawa couldn't resist interjecting, unable to resist the opportunity to tease.

"Wahh, (y/n)-chan, you're so sweet. I can't wait to hear your cheering for me," Oikawa exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

With an exasperated sigh, (y/n) muttered under their breath, "Insufferable."

Oikawa's face contorted, as if he had been stabbed by (y/n)'s one-word response. Kindaichi and Iwaizumi snickered at their captain's expense, patting (y/n) on the back in appreciation of her retort. Amidst the laughter, Kindaichi accidentally kicked (y/n)'s bag, prompting a yelp to escape. Startled, Kenta, (y/n)'s furry companion, poked his head out, whimpering softly. Sympathetically, (y/n) scooped up Kenta in their arms.

"I'm sorry, buddy. Kindaichi didn't know you were hiding in there," (y/n) apologized, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

"Oh, damn. Sorry about that," Kindaichi immediately began apologizing, his eyes filled with concern. He scratched his head and gently checked Kenta's side for any signs of injury.

"It's okay, you didn't know," (y/n) reassured him with a smile, appreciating Kindaichi's empathy.

Kenta wagged his tail, eager to go over to Kindaichi, squirming in (y/n)'s arms. Amused, (y/n) let the puppy go, shuffling over slightly to make room for Kenta to sit close to Kindaichi. In the process, (y/n) inadvertently found herself closer to Iwaizumi than anticipated, causing the third-year to sputter nervously. Perplexed by Iwaizumi's reaction, (y/n) quickly realized the reason for his unease.

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