Chapter 47: Fatigue

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"Alright," Nekomata began, his voice filled with amusement. "Now that Spitfire has freaked you all out, I need someone to show her to her room."

The gymnasium erupted with loud, boisterous cries from Bokuto, who jumped around, begging to be chosen. His large golden orbs filled with a pleading look as he stared at (y/n) with a hopeful smile. The hyperactive teen jutted out his lower lip, giving him the appearance of an adorable child.

"I don't mind if Bokuto-senpai shows me," (y/n) stated, her voice carrying a touch of teasing. "After all, he does go to this school, and he did offer."

"Jackpot!" Bokuto shouted, his excitement evident as he dashed towards her, pulling (y/n) into another bone-crushing hug as he laughed with unrestrained joy.

With a slight huff, Akaashi joined them, gently releasing (y/n) from Bokuto's vice-like grip once again.

"I'll come too," Akaashi stated, his voice calm and composed. "Bokuto-san shouldn't be left unsupervised."

"Akaashi," the Fukurodani ace whined, a touch of petulance in his voice. "Why do you have to say it like that?"

The third-year sulked, his shoulders drooping as he dragged his feet, reluctantly picking up (y/n)'s bag.

'Wow, he changes moods pretty fast,' (y/n) thought to herself, glancing at the ebony-haired teen beside her. It was clear that this was a normal occurrence, and Akaashi's expressions said it all. With a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders, (y/n) called Kenta over, and the pup happily trailed behind her and the two Fukurodani teens as they made their way out of the gymnasium.

Meanwhile, back in the gymnasium, a hushed silence fell over the players as they watched (y/n), Bokuto, and Akaashi depart. Whispers filled the air as they exchanged curious glances, their minds buzzing with thoughts of the new assistant coach.

And then, as if a lightbulb went off in their heads, realization dawned upon them.

"Did we seriously just let them get alone time with (y/n)-san!?" Inuoka exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock.


"Those lucky bastards!" Yamamoto shouted, a mixture of envy and frustration evident in his voice.

"Yamamoto, please calm down!" Yaku tried to reason, his voice tinged with exasperation.

Nekomata chuckled at the scene unfolding before him, observing his players' reactions. "Ah, to be young again," he mused, a twinkle in his eyes. He turned to the other coaches, sharing a knowing smile. "Seems like our players have realized they left (y/n) alone with two boys, and it's not them."

The coaches exchanged amused glances, enjoying the youthful energy and the newfound intrigue that had enveloped their players. They watched as the team resumed their practice, their whispers filled with curiosity and playful banter about (y/n). The gymnasium buzzed with anticipation, leaving the coaches to savor the moment, knowing that their players were about to embark on an unexpected journey with the enigmatic (y/n).


(Y/n) followed closely behind Akaashi as he expertly maneuvered through the labyrinthine halls of the school, Kenta happily trotting along beside him, occasionally pawing at his ankles. To (y/n)'s right, Bokuto trudged along, his feet seemingly weighed down by invisible burdens, his posture slumped and dejected. Each step looked like a struggle, as if he were dragging his feet through thick mud.

Finally, they reached the building where (y/n) would be staying. Akaashi came to a stop, his voice devoid of emotion. "I'll wait here with your dog. Bokuto-san can bring your bag up."

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