Chapter 87: Road to Recovery

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As the days went by, (y/n) continued her dedicated training with the Karasuno team, never letting her previous ankle injury hold her back. However, she knew that it was crucial to have a professional assessment of her ankle's healing progress. The thought of returning to her full potential motivated her to make a (hopefully) final appointment with the sports physiotherapist.

The morning of the appointment arrived, and (y/n) found herself feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Kenta wagged his tail, sensing her emotions, and offered his comforting presence as she made her way out to head to the physiotherapist's clinic.

Upon entering the clinic, (y/n) was greeted by a friendly receptionist who handed her some paperwork to fill out. As she sat in the waiting area, she couldn't help but replay the memory of when she first injured her ankle during practice. It had been a challenging journey, but she was determined to see it through to the end.

Finally, her name was called, and she followed the physiotherapist into a private examination room. The physiotherapist was a warm and experienced professional who immediately put (y/n) at ease.

"So, (y/n)-san, how has your ankle been feeling lately?" the physiotherapist asked, leading her to the examination table.

"It's been getting better, but I still feel some occasional discomfort," (y/n) admitted, trying to be as honest as possible.

The physiotherapist nodded understandingly. "It's not uncommon for injuries to take time to heal fully. Let's take a look and see how your ankle is progressing."

With gentle expertise, the physiotherapist examined (y/n)'s ankle, checking for any signs of lingering issues. (Y/n) winced slightly as the physiotherapist pressed certain points, but she knew it was all necessary to determine the best course of action.

"Well, overall, your ankle seems to be healing nicely," the physiotherapist said, giving (y/n) an encouraging smile. "The swelling has gone down significantly, and there's no sign of major damage. However, there are still some areas that could benefit from further therapy and exercises."

Relief washed over (y/n) upon hearing that her ankle was healing well. She was determined to do whatever it took to get back to her full strength.

"Of course, I'm willing to do whatever it takes," (y/n) replied, her determination shining through.

"Excellent attitude," the physiotherapist praised. "With the right therapy and exercises, you should be able to regain your full range of motion and strength in no time. I'll create a personalized plan for you to follow, and we'll schedule regular sessions to monitor your progress."

As the physiotherapist laid out the plan, (y/n) listened attentively, taking notes and asking questions to ensure she understood every detail. She was grateful for the professional guidance and expertise that would help her reach her goal.

As (y/n) left the physiotherapist's clinic, her heart was filled with hope and determination. The encouraging words of the physiotherapist echoed in her mind, fueling her motivation to push through the remaining therapy and exercises. She was determined to get back on the court stronger than ever.

As she walked back home, (y/n) couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful day. The sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink as it began to set, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves on the trees.

Lost in her thoughts, (y/n) almost didn't notice the trio of faces approaching her. However, as they drew nearer, her eyes widened in recognition. It was none other than the imposing duo from Shiratorizawa, Wakatoshi Ushijima and Satori Tendou. But alongside them stood a third person, a tall and reserved-looking young man she hadn't met before.

"Oh, it's my favorite crow!" Tendou exclaimed with a mischievous grin, waving at her enthusiastically.

A warm smile crossed (y/n)'s face as she greeted them, "Hello, Tendou-senpai, Ushijima-senpai. It's nice to see you again."

Ushijima nodded stoically, his usual serious demeanor on display. "Likewise. How is your ankle? I see you're walking without crutches now."

"It's getting better, thank you for asking," (y/n) replied with a nod, feeling a sense of respect for Ushijima's attentiveness. "I've been undergoing physiotherapy, and the progress has been promising so far."

Tendou couldn't help but chuckle, "Great to hear! So, where's your dog?"

With an amused twinkle in her eyes, (y/n) replied, "Well, I can't bring him to a doctor's appointment, so he stayed at home with my older brother."

The third young man finally spoke up, an exasperated look crossing his features, "So when are you two planning on introducing me?"

Tendou laughed at the remark, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, "My bad, my bad. This is Semi Eita, another third year at Shiratorizawa. And this is (y/n), the Conniving Crow of Karasuno."

(Y/n) extended her hand in a friendly gesture, offering a warm smile, "Nice to meet you, Semi-senpai."

Semi's expression softened, appreciating the kind gesture, "It is nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you, (y/n)-san. Your reputation as a skilled coach precedes you."

(Y/n) chuckled, "I'm sure you mean Tendou-senpai talking about me as 'the conniving crow.'"

Semi gave her a polite smile. "I apologize for everything he has done and said in your previous meeting, Tendou can be a handful, but he's a good friend."

Tendou playfully pouted, "Hey, I heard that, Semi!"

The trio shared a light-hearted moment, laughter filling the air, before Ushijima interjected, his deep voice carrying authority, "Tendou, Semi, we should be heading back to the academy soon. Let's not keep (y/n)-san occupied."

Tendou nodded in agreement, his smile returning, "You're right. It was nice running into you, (y/n)-san. Take care of that ankle, and I'm looking forward to playing against your team!"

"Thank you," (y/n) said genuinely, "I'll do my best, and we'll give you one incredible match. So make sure to work hard on your training too!"

As the trio bid their farewells and began walking away, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie despite being from rival teams. The world of high school volleyball was vast, but it often felt like a close-knit community of players who understood the dedication and passion required to excel in the sport.

As (y/n) continued her walk home, she couldn't shake off the feeling of how small the world of high school volleyball seemed to be. Running into members of Shiratorizawa, a formidable rival team, had been unexpected but surprisingly pleasant. She appreciated the friendly exchange with Tendou, Semi, and Ushijima, and it reminded her that even though they were opponents on the court, they were all connected by their shared love for the sport.

As she approached her house, (y/n) was greeted by her older brother, who was sitting on the front steps with Kenta by his side.

"Hey, Jinx! How was the physiotherapy appointment?" he asked, getting up to give her a quick hug.

"It went well," (y/n) replied, a smile on her face. "The physiotherapist said my ankle is healing nicely, but I'll still need to continue with some therapy and exercises."

"That's great news!" Keishin exclaimed. "I'm glad to see you're on the road to recovery."

"Me too," (y/n) said, glancing down at Kenta, who was wagging his tail happily. "And it looks like Kenta's just as excited about it."

"He knows his owner is getting better, don't you, boy?" Keishin chuckled, giving Kenta a pat on the head.

With the evening sun casting a warm glow over them, (y/n) and her brother sat on the front steps, catching up on each other's day. She told him about the chance encounter with members of Shiratorizawa, and he listened with interest, acknowledging how peculiar yet heartwarming it was to see such camaraderie between rival players.

With her ankle healing and her spirits lifted, (y/n) felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. As the days passed, she continued her rigorous training with the Karasuno team, pushing them to new heights.

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