Chapter 43: Another Surprise

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Practice was about the same as usual, with the rhythmic sound of volleyballs being spiked, and the players' grunts of exertion filling the air. However, today there were two managers overseeing the practice. Yachi stood alongside Kiyoko, observing the intense training session with wide eyes. She watched Kiyoko's every move, eager to learn from her experienced senpai.

(Y/n), on the other hand, stood beside Keishin, armed with a clipboard and a determined expression, as they coached the boys. The sight of (y/n) actively participating in the practice as an actual coach left Yachi in awe. She marveled at her friend's dedication and the way she effortlessly commanded the attention of the players.

With a gentle smile, Kiyoko encouraged Yachi. "You'll get the hang of it, Yachi-san. Just observe and learn from our practice sessions. It'll be exciting to see you grow as a manager."

Yachi nodded, a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling inside her. "Thank you, Kiyoko-senpai. I'll do my best."

(Y/n) left Yachi and Kiyoko to their managerial duties, a trail of giggles following her as Kenta, her loyal companion, snuggled up against the 2 managers. The adorable pup seemed to enjoy the attention he received from the players and the managers alike.

Making her way to the center of the court, (y/n) joined her brother. They huddled together, going over strategies and discussing the players' progress. The two of them exchanged ideas, analyzing the team's strengths and areas that needed improvement.

As the practice session drew to a close, Keishin raised his voice to grab everyone's attention. The gymnasium fell into a brief silence, all eyes turning to their coach.

"Listen up, team! Tomorrow, we'll have a practice match against another school," Keishin announced, his voice filled with anticipation.

Excited murmurs spread through the gymnasium, and the players exchanged eager glances. The prospect of a practice match ignited a spark of competitive energy within them.

Amidst the excitement, Kenta, who had been resting comfortably in (y/n)'s arms, perked up his ears and let out a series of confused howls. The sudden noise elicited laughter from the team, as they couldn't help but find Kenta's reaction amusing.

(Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle, her gaze shifting between the players and her furry friend. "Looks like even Kenta is excited for the practice match, huh?"

Keishin nodded, a grin forming on his face. "Indeed. It's a chance for everyone to put their skills to the test and see how far they've come. Let's make the most of it."

As everyone began their stretches for cooldown, Keishin's voice cut through the buzz of conversation, instantly attracting their attention.

"Hey, Jinx," he called out to (y/n), using the playful nickname he had given her. "I assume you got a call today, right?"

(Y/n) nodded, her brows furrowing slightly. "Yeah, Naoi called me earlier. So, I'll just assume you already know and it's set?"

Keishin simply grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yup."

The team exchanged curious glances, their interest piqued. Asahi, always the concerned one, spoke up, voicing their collective thoughts. "What is set, exactly?"

The rest of the team leaned in, their curiosity piqued by the conversation unfolding before them. Their expressions ranged from eager anticipation to outright devastation as they absorbed the news.

Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Hinata seemed to bear the brunt of the emotional impact, their vibrant spirits shattered at the thought of (y/n) leaving. Their usually lively personalities dimmed, and a sense of melancholy settled over them. Tanaka clenched his fists, struggling to hide his disappointment, while Nishinoya let out a heavy sigh, his eyes betraying his sadness. Hinata, usually the embodiment of boundless energy, slumped his shoulders, his usual zest momentarily extinguished.

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