Chapter 12: Smashing the Bottle

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Han Li clenched his fists and slammed one fist fiercely on the table.

"Use a tool to smash the bottle." This was Han Li's decision after careful consideration.

Resorting to violence to open it was a solution he had already considered, albeit not an ideal one.

Although this method was simple and straightforward, it felt like a last resort. Han Li hesitated because he couldn't bear the thought of damaging the beautiful and unique bottle. If there were any other way to open it, he wouldn't resort to such brute force.

Asking other senior martial brothers for help might work, but in Han Li's mind, he had unconsciously begun to see the bottle as his own treasure. He was unwilling to let anyone else know about it. Moreover, anyone on the mountain could be the owner of the lost item. If they found out the bottle was in his possession, they might want it back. The bottle was so beautiful and intriguing that he couldn't bear to part with it.

Han Li's curiosity about the mysterious contents inside the bottle had been aroused. Although he knew it might be empty, he was willing to take the risk, believing that whatever was inside would be more interesting than the bottle itself.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. If he didn't solve the mystery inside the bottle, he wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully at night.

Having made up his mind, Han Li sneaked into the room where miscellaneous items were stored in the valley, selected a relatively heavy small hammer from the many tools, and brought it back to his room.

Once inside, he found a half-broken hard green brick in the corner of the room and a relatively flat depression on the floor. He placed the brick flat on the ground and placed the bottle securely on top of it.

Han Li raised the small hammer in his right hand, hesitated for a moment, then decisively struck the most protruding part of the bottle—the belly.

"Bang!" With five percent force.

"Bang!" With seven percent force.

"Bang!" With ten percent force.

"Bang!" With twelve percent force.

As Han Li's strength increased, the amplitude of his arm swinging became more exaggerated, and the speed at which the hammer fell increased. In the end, he even smashed half of the bottle into the green brick, but the bottle remained intact, showing no signs of being smashed.

Han Li was stunned. He couldn't believe it and reached out to touch the part of the bottle that was hit by the hammer. There wasn't a single dent on it. The bottle remained glossy and intact.

This was beyond Han Li's expectations.

It was at this moment that Han Li truly believed that this small bottle was definitely extraordinary. It was most likely not intentionally abandoned but accidentally lost by its owner. Now, the owner might be searching all over the mountain for it. If he wanted to keep it, he had to hide it well and not let anyone else see it.

In Han Li's mind, anything he found on the ground belonged to him as long as he didn't steal or rob. If it were ordinary items, he might have returned them to their owners, but this bottle was so mysterious that it was probably lost by disciples from wealthy families or people with status on the mountain. Han Li didn't have a good impression of either of these groups.

Han Li's family had been poor since he was a child. They often worked all day and still couldn't afford a decent meal. In the Seven Profound Sect, he often saw the first type of people spending money extravagantly and thoughtlessly. Whenever this happened, Han Li felt uncomfortable. In addition, these wealthy disciples often looked down on him and his fellow disciples from poor backgrounds, mocking and insulting them with words, and even getting into a few minor conflicts. Han Li had been involved in one such fight, but unfortunately, he was beaten badly by those wealthy disciples who had practiced martial arts, and he couldn't show his face for days. It wasn't until after resting for several days that he recovered.

As for the people with status on the mountain, they hadn't left a good impression on Han Li either. From Guardian Wang accepting bribes from his uncle to Wu Yan relying on Deputy Sect Master Ma's power to enter the Seven Profound Hall directly. Although Han Li hadn't seen many bigwigs on the mountain, the image of these bigwigs in his mind as a child had already been shattered.

For things lost by these two types of people, Han Li not only didn't want to return them but also wanted to play a prank by hiding them.

With this in mind, Han Li took off a small pouch hanging around his neck. It was sewn by his mother with a piece of animal skin when he left home, waterproof and moisture-proof, used to hold a talisman made from a wild boar's tooth to protect him from harm.

Han Li loosened the mouth of the pouch, put the bottle and the talisman together, tightened the mouth of the pouch, and then hung the pouch back around his neck.

After doing all this, he looked around and saw no one around. He breathed a sigh of relief, patted the pouch bulging slightly on his chest, and felt that it wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

At this moment, he felt much more at ease, no longer afraid of any accidents or the owner finding the bottle and asking for it back.

Han Li quietly returned the hammer to its original place and pretended to wander around the Shenhand Valley for a while. Only when it was completely dark did he drag his injured foot back to his room.

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