Chapter 35: Stealing the Manual

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On a certain afternoon, several days later, Han Li secretly slipped out of the Valley of the Divine Hand again to meet up with Lì Fēiyǔ.

To be honest, it couldn't really be considered sneaking out. Doctor Mo was well aware of his frequent outings, but he didn't interfere at all, allowing Han Li complete freedom of movement.

Initially, Han Li felt uneasy about this laissez-faire attitude and wondered what the other party's intentions were. However, after several safe trips in and out, he realized that no one was actually tracking him. Therefore, he let go of his worries and went about his business openly.

After some contemplation, Han Li gradually understood why Doctor Mo was so lenient with him.

Although Doctor Mo used the Corpse Insect Pill and the lives of his family as leverage to control Han Li, he also knew that using such brute force methods to control someone would only breed resentment and make the person less willing to cultivate. If he further restricted Han Li's freedom of movement, it would only backfire. After all, Doctor Mo's intention was to make him actively cultivate the Spring Longevity Technique, not to force him into it.

Understanding the cause and effect of this matter, Han Li became even bolder. Whereas before he needed to avoid Doctor Mo's gaze and be cautious when entering and leaving the valley, now he was even more straightforward, walking past Doctor Mo without saying a word.

Once outside the valley, he used the Spring Longevity Technique to heighten his senses to an incredible level, encompassing all movable objects within dozens of yards.

Han Li believed that even if Doctor Mo personally followed him, he wouldn't escape his sensory detection.

Carefully avoiding the patrolling disciples, Han Li climbed into the vicinity of the small pool where he had met Lì Fēiyǔ last time through a secret passage in an old locust tree.

As soon as he entered, he saw Lì Fēiyǔ sitting barefoot by the edge of the pool.

He kept his head down, both feet soaking in the icy water of the pool, vigorously tapping the surface of the water, splashing colorful droplets around, clearly enjoying himself.

Hearing Han Li's arrival, he didn't lift his head, but complained directly, "Han Junior Brother, you're getting later and later every time. I have to wait for you for half a day each time. Can't you come earlier once?"

"Sorry, I..." Han Li brushed off the dirt on his clothes with his hand, about to explain.

"Continue," Lì Fēiyǔ interrupted Han Li before he could finish speaking, and threw a huge package hidden behind him directly at Han Li.

"What's this? Some delicious food?" Han Li was a bit puzzled, but then felt the package was hard and heavy, unlike something edible.

"You only think about eating! Didn't you ask me to bring out the manual of the Blinking Sword Technique?" Lì Fēiyǔ glared at him, then said seriously.

"Is this the manual? Are you sure? You didn't accidentally pack a grindstone from your yard, did you?" Han Li looked at the massive package with a skeptical expression.

"It's so heavy!" He exerted force with both arms, struggling to lift it, almost tipping himself over.

"Haha!" Lì Fēiyǔ couldn't hold back anymore, grinned widely, laughed heartily, and finally laughed so hard that he rolled on the ground, covered in grass and dirt.

Han Li looked at his friend's strange behavior with suspicion, then glanced at the extraordinarily large package.

"What are you laughing at? Every time I see you use the 'Entangling Silk Hands' martial art so skillfully, I find it incredible. It's as if this martial art was tailor-made for you. From the time I taught you until now, it's only been two months." Lì Fēiyǔ continued to clap his hands and praise him incessantly.

"I bet you specially turned a book into such a huge package just for me to perform, didn't you?" Han Li said sarcastically.

"Of course not. You'll understand once you open the package." Lì Fēiyǔ put away his playful expression, his face becoming serious.

Curious about his sudden change in demeanor, Han Li's curiosity peaked. He turned back and focused his gaze on the package in front of him.

After pondering for a moment, he extended his index and middle fingers, lightly pinched a corner of the package, pulled it outwards, and revealed the contents wrapped inside.

"This is..." Han Li's forehead broke out in a cold sweat, and his eyeballs almost popped out.

"How's that? Surprised, aren't you?" Lì Fēiyǔ leisurely walked over, patting Han Li's shoulder.

Han Li turned his body numbly, staring straight at the other person, speechless for a while.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I won't offer myself to you, you know?" Lì Fēiyǔ teased Han Li.

After hearing his joke, Han Li seemed to finally come to his senses.

"I want to make it clear with you. From now on, consider me a stranger, and you've never seen me before." Han Li shouted angrily.

"I don't know if I'm seeing things or if you've gone crazy. You actually brought over half of the Seven Exquisites Hall's collection of books. If the Hall's patrols find out, it'll be difficult for both of us to survive." Han Li pointed at the large pile of books in front of him and yelled at Lì Fēiyǔ.

All these book covers were uniformly marked with the eye-catching golden characters "Seven Exquisites Hall Collection."

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