Chapter 98: Returning to the Village

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Not long after Han Li left Mount Cai Xia, Master Wang announced that he was taking Li Feiyu as a closed-door disciple and officially appointing him as the head of the Outer Blade Hall, showing him great favor. Several years later, when Han Li's third uncle made a big mistake and violated the rules of the sect, he should have been in danger of losing his life, but Master Wang went against the consensus and saved him.

As for Master Wang himself, in the subsequent struggles within the sect, he suffered serious injuries several times and was on the verge of death. Whenever everyone thought he wouldn't survive, he miraculously recovered with the help of a pill from a jade bottle and quickly bounced back. This miraculous recovery aroused envy from others who inquired about the name and origin of the medicine, but Master Wang always evaded the question and refused to divulge any information. Naturally, those who wanted to obtain the pill returned empty-handed.

It wasn't until many years later, when Master Wang passed away, that he left behind the name of the pill - "Nourishing Essence Pill". At that time, there were only three pills left in the jade bottle. However, even with just these three pills, they caused quite a stir and brought trouble to Master Wang's descendants! But that's a story for another time; let's not dwell on it now.

Meanwhile, Li Feiyu was holding several small bottles and a piece of paper, lost in thought. He had just returned from Zhang Xuer's place that morning, and these items appeared in his room.

The note was left by Han Li and was very simple, informing Li Feiyu that he had left the Seven Mysterious Sects and might never return. The medicine in the bottle was carefully prepared and should be able to prolong Li Feiyu's life. Han Li hoped Li Feiyu wouldn't refuse. At the end of the note was a drawing of Han Li's smiling face, with a wish for Li Feiyu and Zhang Xuer to marry soon and have many children.

After staring blankly for a while, Li Feiyu suddenly rushed out of the room and ran to the top of the nearest hill. From there, he anxiously looked towards the direction of the Seven Mysterious Sects' gate, but all he could see was lush greenery with no trace of anyone. After standing motionless for a long time, Li Feiyu sighed and finally murmured softly, "Take care! Farewell!" Then, with a lonely and melancholic expression, he slowly descended the hill.

Meanwhile, a carriage was traveling on the ancient road, heading eastward. Han Li and Qu Hun were sitting in the carriage. Although the carriage had plenty of space inside, only the two of them were sitting there. Han Li had rented the entire carriage temporarily for three taels of silver.

The wooden carriage looked somewhat dilapidated on the outside but was relatively clean inside. The two horses pulling the carriage were in their prime, running swiftly and efficiently, pulling the carriage quickly.

The coachman driving the carriage was an ordinary, thin middle-aged man who didn't speak much unless spoken to. This suited Han Li just fine.

Beside Han Li sat the "Cloudwing Bird" with its yellow feathers, half-closed eyes indicating that it was resting.

Qu Hun, sitting at the other end of the carriage, carried a large package on his shoulder. Apart from some clothes for changing, the package contained mostly gold, silver, and various heavy items.

As for the small items such as magical instruments and letters and books obtained from Doctor Mo, due to their importance, Han Li was afraid of losing them and kept them close to him.

Now Han Li sat quietly in the carriage, listening to the creaking of the wooden wheels, his expression calm and unperturbed by leaving the Seven Mysterious Sects. The only thing he felt a slight reluctance to part with was his friend Li Feiyu. However, he believed that Li Feiyu should have received his message and seen the secret medicine he had prepared. He hoped that the medicine would be effective and that his friend could enjoy a long and prosperous life.

With these thoughts in mind, Han Li stretched his body and leaned against the carriage wall, beginning to doze off. He had instructed the coachman to take him to the mountain village where he was born.

Although he knew it was unlikely, he hoped that when he opened his eyes, he would see the faces of his parents and siblings.

It had been so many years since he had left his parents! Even their faces were somewhat blurred in his memory. So before leaving for a distant place, Han Li had to see his parents with his own eyes, otherwise, he would never be able to leave with peace of mind.

"I wonder how my little sister is doing now. She should be sixteen or seventeen years old, a grown girl! The last letter I received from home mentioned that she had already been promised to someone and had received betrothal gifts." Before drifting off to sleep, Han Li's mind conjured up the image of a short, skinny figure, constantly following behind him, calling out "Fourth Brother, Fourth Brother" in a childish voice.

"How time flies!"

Finally, Han Li fell into a deep sleep in a warm atmosphere, sleeping soundly and peacefully, just like he did when his parents guarded him and drove away mosquitoes when he was a child.

Five days later, Han Li finally saw the familiar and beloved village from afar.

The low mud walls, rows of thatched houses, and the bumpy paths all appeared before Han Li's eyes, bringing back memories that were so vivid to him. Suppressing his excitement, Han Li asked the coachman to stop the carriage far from the village, leaving Qu Hun in the carriage. He then walked quickly towards the village gate. The closer he got to the village, the faster his heart beat.

Han Li hadn't felt this kind of uncontrollable excitement in a long time!

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