Chapter 64: Soul Manipulation

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Han Li used his fingers to feel the giant man's icy body temperature, looking at his dull and lifeless eyes, but his mind was speculating on everything Zhang Tie had encountered.

Most likely, Inkmaster conspired with Yu Zitong to abduct Zhang Tie, who had achieved some success in the "Elephant Armor Technique", then fabricated his disappearance, deceiving many eyes within the Seven Profound Sect. Then, in secret, they used some sort of spell to strip Zhang Tie of his soul, and proceeded to transform his body into its current grotesque state, much like the situation with the "Elephant Armor Technique".

Han Li's speculation was quite accurate, and the actual situation wasn't much different.

Back then, Inkmaster had a sudden whim to combine the "Elephant Armor Technique" with the corpse refinement technique provided by Yu Zitong, creating a batch of obedient and powerful zombie-like beings. However, within a short period, they only managed to create this one giant man, which Inkmaster treasured dearly, hiding it in a secluded place at the foot of the mountain and only bringing it back on his last trip.

But Yu Zitong had no interest in such inferior undead creatures; he even sneered at them. When his dharma body was still intact, he had many methods to control these incomplete undead, and compared to the advanced Ironclad Corpses of true cultivators, these creatures were far less powerful and could only display their might among ordinary people. Their only advantage was perhaps their simplicity in material and ease of refinement, which could be accomplished by anyone with a bit of magical power.

After a long time, Han Li suddenly withdrew his hand from the giant man's face, shifting his gaze away, his eyes fixed on the dilapidated stone door, lost in thought.

In that moment, he felt a chill in his heart, not because of Zhang Tie's tragic fate, but because of his own indifference.

He had thought that upon learning of his friend's tragic fate, he would be filled with anger and shout out the names "Inkmaster" and "Yu Zitong" in a fit of rage, his voice full of hatred.

But in reality, apart from some slight sadness, he felt no significant emotional impact or anger, as if the one who had suffered this fate was not his friend "Zhang Tie", but an unrelated bystander.

Was it because he knew that the Zhang Tie before him was just a shell, not the person himself? Or had his heart become so cold and ruthless?

This selfish indifference frightened even himself. Only now did he realize how unfamiliar he had become, seemingly overnight.

Finally snapping out of his daze, Han Li looked at the giant man with complex emotions, unsure of how to address "him".

Thinking of Inkmaster's words about "lost soul" and "walking corpse", Han Li looked up at the sky and said softly, "Zhang Tie, you must have reincarnated by now. Your leftover body is useless, so let me use it. I'll be careful, and I hope you won't blame me."

After uttering this prayer-like statement, Han Li felt somewhat reassured and then said to the giant man, "Since you're the leftover body of Zhang Tie, without a soul of your own, I'll call you 'Soul Manipulator'. I hope you can assist me in the days to come."

Listening to Han Li's words, the giant man stood motionless, showing no response other than the usual submissive demeanor. It seemed that there was indeed no independent consciousness, only passive acceptance of commands.

"I'm actually talking to a mindless body like this. I'm really foolish!" Han Li shook his head self-deprecatingly, then walked back to the stone room with relaxed steps.

"Soul Manipulator, follow me."

Having completely recovered from his low spirits, Han Li's expression was normal, as if nothing had happened. It seemed that he had indeed become exceptionally cold-blooded and rational, no longer easily troubled by emotions.

Was this astonishing change a blessing or a curse for Han Li, who was about to embark on the path of cultivation?

In the following days, Han Li busied himself with the aftermath, working tirelessly.

He not only buried Inkmaster's body under a big tree but also destroyed and disposed of everything remaining in the stone room. He even ordered Soul Manipulator to demolish the entire stone room until it was completely unrecognizable. Only then did he stop.

After all this commotion, it was already dusk, and the sun had begun to set.

Standing in front of what used to be the stone room but was now a pile of rubble, Han Li looked around, finding no overlooked areas. He nodded in satisfaction.

"Soul Manipulator, let's go!"

"There's still a lot of things to deal with tomorrow! It's a pity you have no consciousness and can't speak. Otherwise, it would be more reassuring to have someone to discuss with."

Under the crimson glow of the setting sun, Han Li dragged his slender figure, muttering incessantly to the renamed "Soul Manipulator", as if he had finally found a good listener who wouldn't complain. At this moment, there was no trace of coldness or indifference in him, looking just like a typical boy next door.

After arranging Soul Manipulator, Han Li returned to his residence. Inside, he wandered around like a stranger, touching tables, chairs, and benches, muttering to himself,

"What a long day! It feels like it's been longer than the past ten years combined."

Then suddenly, he collapsed onto the bed, burying his head and falling into a deep sleep.

He was very tired! Both mentally and physically.

"But, it's good to be alive!" A faint smile played at the corners of his mouth as he drifted into sleep

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