Chapter 118: Two Options

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"What are your intentions? Just say it honestly. I don't want to beat around the bush with you anymore!" Han Li said coldly, seemingly unaffected by Madam Yan.

Madam Yan furrowed her brows slightly. This young man in front of her was much more difficult to deal with than she had expected. She felt powerless to influence him, whether through soft or hard tactics, and had a sense of nowhere to start.

"Do we really have to directly reveal our bottom line and make things clear with the other party?" Madam Yan felt unwilling. She had held the power of the Jiao Dragon Society for so many years, and she had never disclosed everything during negotiations.

She glanced at Madam Wang, the fifth wife. Among these sisters, only Madam Wang had the ability to oppose her decision. So she looked at her to see if she had any better suggestions.

"The matters involving negotiations with this man are solely up to the fourth sister to decide. I have no objections!" Madam Wang, sensing Madam Yan's intention, said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Madam Yan was delighted and felt slightly relieved.

"Well, since you, sir, don't intend to beat around the bush, then we sisters will directly state our conditions." With these words, Madam Yan regained her demeanor as one of the leaders of the three major factions in Jiayuan City. The weak and helpless demeanor she had just shown disappeared, replaced by an aura of authority gained from long-term leadership.

"Good, this is the negotiation opponent I want!" Han Li smiled faintly.

"You just need to wipe out the mortal enemies of the Jiao Dragon Society, the Five-Colored Gate and the Overlord Manor, and let my Mo Family have no worries. Then I will immediately hand over the Warm Sun Precious Jade and allow you to choose one of the women among Caihuan and the others as your wife."

"But if you intend to use force or threaten us, then you've got the wrong idea. I've already entrusted the Precious Jade to a trusted subordinate. If anything happens, it will be destroyed immediately, and we will all perish together." Madam Yan said solemnly.

"Madam Yan is not afraid of flashing her tongue! If I were to single-handedly destroy the Five-Colored Gate and the Overlord Manor? You really think you can come up with such an idea!" Han Li seemed to have anticipated Madam Yan's threat and remained calm.

He had known from the beginning that the Warm Sun Precious Jade would not be easy to obtain through brute force alone. Besides the verbal threats, he knew that the other party probably had many hidden tricks. Therefore, it was just a temporary strategy to forcibly extract the location of the Precious Jade from them. It would be best if they willingly handed it over.

"Isn't Han Gongzi a cultivator? How could these people in the Jianghu be your opponents? Besides, we didn't ask you to kill all the members of the other factions, we just want some of their leaders to disappear." Madam Liu, the beautiful third wife, said after giving Han Li a charming smile.

"Being a cultivator? So what? I don't know about other cultivators, but I am well aware of my own abilities. I won't be foolish enough to go up against tens of thousands of members of a major faction alone. Besides, do you really think cultivators can kill ordinary people at will without any consequences?" Han Li glanced coldly at Madam Liu, and the chill in his eyes froze her smile. Under the influence of Changchun Gong and his vigilance, her charm technique would have no effect!

"What, according to Gongzi's meaning, are there any restrictions on cultivators against us ordinary people?" Madam Yan asked in surprise.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation. After all, I have only recently become a cultivator and have not truly encountered these rules." Han Li said lightly, then saw Madam Yan seemingly about to say something, waved his hand to stop her from speaking, and continued coldly, "But as long as you use your brain, you will understand that if cultivators could arbitrarily attack ordinary people, how could you, the so-called three overlords of Lanzhou and the three major factions of Jiayuan City, still exist today? You would have been destroyed countless times by unscrupulous cultivators. Maybe you beauties would have become their playthings long ago."

Han Li's last sentence was not polite at all, making the women's faces flush red, but also showing some fear.

"But this is just Gongzi's speculation and may not be true!" Madam Yan still tried to convince Han Li.

"As long as there is one percent chance, I won't do something that will lead to my own destruction." Han Li didn't give Madam Yan any illusions, saying unreservedly.

"So, sir, do you intend to take advantage of us and take away our daughter's dowry for nothing?" Madam Yan's expression became somewhat ugly, emphasizing the words "dowry."

When Han Li heard this, although his expression remained unchanged, he couldn't help feeling a bit depressed.

"The poison in my body was originally given by your husband. It's already good that I'm not causing you trouble now. What else do you want?" Han Li thought bitterly.

But Han Li also knew that saying such words at this time would be meaningless. These women seemed unwilling to give up any benefits unless they benefited themselves.

So Han Li lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and cleared his throat, saying loudly:

"I'll give you two options, and you can choose one."

"One is for your entire Mo Family to pack up and leave immediately, prepare to leave Lanzhou, and find a place where your enemies can't reach to settle down. Live a peaceful life as a common wealthy family, free from the killings and conflicts of the Jianghu factions. I can guarantee your safety on this road and ensure that your pursuers won't harm you."

Han Li paused here and looked at the changes in the women's expressions.

Except for Madam Li, the second wife, who seemed somewhat moved, Madam Yan and Madam Liu remained silent, apparently not agreeing to this suggestion. As for Madam Wang, Han Li didn't bother to look at her. With her iceberg-like demeanor, it was impossible to discern anything useful from her.

Seeing this situation, Han Li secretly sneered a few times. Both Madam Yan and Madam Liu were ambitious people. Asking them to give up the power of the Jiao Dragon Society and become village women was something they would never agree to. This was something he had already understood when he proposed this suggestion.

"What's the other option?" Madam Liu couldn't help but ask when Han Li didn't continue.

"There is another way..." Han Li stood up from his chair, looked at the ceiling, and slowly spoke out the other option that was definitely going to be chosen by Madam Yan and the others.

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