Chapter 109 Visiting

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"This Wu fellow is truly despicable! He even wrote a fake letter using Father's name to propose marriage to Eldest Sister. It's infuriating," Mo Caihuan expressed her extreme dislike for Wu Jianming.

"But it's fortunate that he specifically targeted your Eldest Sister. If he had chosen you or Fengwu, I wouldn't know how to handle it! You and Fengwu wouldn't tolerate his hypocrisy. It's just unfortunate for Yuzhu; I wonder if your father will blame me when he returns?" Madame Yan sighed softly, speaking with a hint of regret.

"Mother, why would Father blame you? Eldest Sister volunteered for this situation with Wu, didn't she?" Mo Caihuan hurriedly tried to reassure Madame Yan.

"Silly child, Yuzhu had no choice but to do this for the sake of our Mo Clan and the Shocking Dragon Association! However, I would never truly marry your Eldest Sister to him. If we can't delay any longer, we'll have to confront him directly!" Madame Yan's tone turned cold as she spoke.

After Madame Yan's words, silence filled the room once more, indicating that both mother and daughter understood the implications of confrontation.

"When will Father return?" Mo Caihuan asked softly after a while.

"Your father said he would be back in two to three years at the earliest, five to six years at the latest," Madame Yan replied sadly.

"But it's been almost ten years now, and I can barely remember Father's face!" Mo Caihuan said slowly.

"Don't worry! Your father is a remarkable man with extraordinary skills. He'll be fine! There must be other important matters delaying him, but he'll return to the Mo Mansion soon," Madame Yan reassured herself as much as her daughter.

"Oh, by the way, Second Sister Fengwu sent a rejuvenating and refreshing elixir. She asked me to give it to you, Mother. You should try it; it's said to be very effective!" Mo Caihuan changed the subject suddenly, trying to lighten the mood in the room.

"You silly child..."

After that, mother and daughter engaged in casual conversation, and Han Li couldn't glean any useful information.

From their conversation, Han Li gathered that Madame Yan and Doctor Mo had a deep bond and were trustworthy. After pondering for a moment, he decided it would be best to make contact with the Mo Mansion even though they knew Wu was an imposter. After all, the poison in his body could flare up at any moment, so it would be wise to secure the Warm Sun Jade before anything else.

With this in mind, Han Li reached into his pocket and took out Doctor Mo's token—a dragon-shaped ring. Then, he quietly approached the window of the room and tossed the ring inside.

The clear sound of the ring hitting the floor startled the occupants of the room.

After a moment, Madame Yan's composed voice echoed from inside the room. "Whoever has honored our humble abode, please forgive us for not welcoming you properly."

Han Li smiled faintly and was about to respond when he heard the young girl's exclamation.

"How strange! Why did a ring come in? And it looks so similar to the one you're wearing, Mother!"

"Mother, take a look!" Mo Caihuan had already picked up the ring and handed it to Madame Yan.

"The Dragon Ring!" Madame Yan exclaimed.

Han Li listened as Madame Yan recognized the token. Then, he lightly tapped on the door and announced, "Disciple Han Li, under the orders of Doctor Mo, I've come to pay my respects to Mother Master!"

The room fell silent at Han Li's words, indicating that the occupants were shocked by his sudden appearance.

"Please come in!" After a while, Madame Yan's voice invited him inside.

Han Li gently pushed open the door and entered the room.

Inside, he saw a beautiful woman in her thirties sitting on a wooden chair, with a delicate girl of fifteen or sixteen standing behind her. The resemblance between the girl and the beautiful woman was evident, indicating a close blood relation.

Madame Yan, the beautiful woman, was playing with the dragon-shaped ring that Han Li had just thrown in. Her face remained calm, showing no signs of surprise or suspicion.

The girl standing behind her, Mo Caihuan, blinked her dark eyes and curiously examined Han Li. A faint smile played on her lips, giving her an elusive and quirky aura.

After observing them, Han Li walked forward and bowed respectfully to Madame Yan. "Greetings, Fourth Mother Master!"

Surprised by Han Li's unremarkable appearance, Madame Yan was taken aback but didn't respond immediately. Instead, she raised her left hand, revealing another dragon-patterned ring on her finger.

Madame Yan gently pressed Han Li's ring against her own, and the two rings fit together perfectly without any gaps, proving their authenticity.

"Well done, the token is genuine! But do you have a personal letter from my husband?" Madame Yan finally showed a hint of satisfaction, asking gently.

Without a word, Han Li took out the prepared letter and handed it to her with both hands.

Satisfied with Han Li's respectful demeanor, Madame Yan nodded in approval before taking the letter and carefully examining it.

Han Li stepped aside quietly, observing Madame Yan's expression to gauge her attitude towards him, her prospective son-in-law.

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