Chapter 38 Encounter with Spies at Night

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Walking in the pitch-black dense forest, Han Li cautiously extended his senses. The mountain path, already blurry to ordinary people's eyes, was as clear as day for him.

His vigilance wasn't against wild animals but rather a reflex honed over time. Since Seven Profound Sect moved to the Caihua Mountain Range, the wildlife in the forest had gradually been cleared out. Even the fierce beasts and venomous snakes had become meals for many disciples.

This cautiousness, maintaining heightened senses in unfamiliar environments, wasn't innate but cultivated after his escape from Doctor Mo's grasp. This habit would help him avoid many unforeseen accidents and minimize the danger in future actions.

The mountain wind seemed to grow stronger, whistling ominously, making one's hair stand on end.

Han Li felt he was nearing the edge of the forest. He breathed a sigh of relief, walking alone in this pitch-black forest, suppressing a lot of anxiety.

He quickened his pace, taking larger steps than before, seemingly eager to exit the woods as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a fierce mountain wind blew in his face. After the wind passed, Han Li abruptly stopped, sensing something unusual. He furrowed his brow and tilted his head, listening intently.

After a moment, Han Li's expression grew serious. Faint footsteps could be heard, though the owners' steps were light and they were still some distance away. They were approaching him.

With a light sway, Han Li agilely slipped into the dense forest beside the road, nimble and silent.

Behind a large tree about a dozen yards from the path, his figure came to a halt, curling into a small ball, completely hidden from view from the front of the tree.

After finding a good hiding spot, Han Li relaxed slightly.

It wasn't that he was overly sensitive, but it was indeed strange for two people to come to such a remote place, especially during this dark and stormy night. Most likely, they were up to something shady.

He didn't want to trigger a deadly response by stumbling upon someone's privacy and being hunted down to silence.

However, if there was no danger to himself, Han Li was more than willing to eavesdrop on others' secrets. He wasn't rigidly moralistic and wouldn't turn away from such opportunities.

"...arrangement for leaving the mountain...the timing...people...the leader..."

Low voices intermittently came from a distance. Despite the strong winds, most of the words were scattered. However, some fragments managed to reach him.

Han Li was astonished to hear such a significant secret. Within hundreds of miles, the only leader referred to as "Golden Wolf" was Jia Tianlong, the leader of the Wolf Gang. Encountering such a formidable enemy here was intriguing.

According to hearsay, Jia Tianlong was a bloodthirsty demon in the eyes of Seven Profound Sect disciples. He was rumored to be large and terrifying, with a brutal and savage nature, feasting on human flesh and drinking blood like a demon. However, according to Li Feiyu's account, he was quite the opposite in appearance, being slender and handsome, in his early thirties, which was contrary to the rumors. However, his ruthless and bloodthirsty nature matched the rumors. Otherwise, with his appearance, how could he control the other gang members who were originally bandits?

Han Li recalled his memory of Jia Tianlong and couldn't help but shiver, curling up tighter behind the tree and slowing his breath.

"...this time...stealing...list...must...take action..."

Another round of whispers, clearer than before. It seemed the two were closer to him now.

Han Li dared not make a sound. He knew if he was discovered, death would be the only outcome. These two were definitely spies sent by the Wolf Gang, and they wouldn't allow a third person to live knowing their secret.


The voices grew even lower, indicating they were reaching the crux of the matter.

After a while, their voices grew louder again, but then faded away. Only the howling wind passed by his ears, as they had walked past Han Li and gradually disappeared.

Han Li remained motionless behind the tree for a while, not daring to move until he used his Long Spring Technique to confirm that there was indeed no one else within dozens of yards. Only then did he slowly stand up.

This time, he had saved his life. Fortunately, he had detected the movements of the two spies in advance; otherwise, he would have encountered them head-on. Considering their identities, his fate would have been sealed, and with his skills, there would have been no hope of escape.

Han Li stayed in place, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Staring in the direction where the two had disappeared, he pondered.

Based on the incomplete conversation, it seemed that the other party was planning something detrimental to Seven Profound Sect in the near future, and this action was closely related to a certain list.

What surprised Han Li even more was that although he hadn't seen the specific appearance or features of the two, he had recognized one of their voices.

Although he had only interacted with him once or twice, with his extraordinary memory, he connected the voice of one of the speakers to the inconspicuous steward in the mountain kitchen.

This man, who sold him rabbits and appeared to be fond of taking advantage, with his stubbled chin and a shrewd appearance, turned out to be a spy sent by the Wolf Gang. This truly put Han Li's nerves to the test.

However, upon further thought, it wasn't so surprising. Only with such an identity could he travel between the mountains and deliver messages without attracting attention

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