Chapter 120: Seizing Control of the Gang with a Clever Plan

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"When did he mention the time? It seems like it's in the near future. As for the location, it doesn't seem to have been mentioned." Sun Er Gou scratched his head awkwardly.

Han Li frowned. It seemed that Sun Er Gou's knowledge of the news was not entirely accurate, and there were likely many omissions.

So he lowered his head in contemplation for a while, and suddenly a bright idea flashed in his mind.

Carefully examining Sun Er Gou, Han Li suddenly smiled and said to him, "Sun Er Gou, I'm very satisfied with your work these days, especially the latest news, which is quite commendable. So I'm planning to reward you handsomely!"

Sun Er Gou's heart leaped with joy upon hearing this, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

He hadn't expected that by just providing a few pieces of minor information, he would receive recognition from this big shot. It seemed that dealing with this gentleman was indeed very rewarding. He wondered what kind of generous reward the gentleman had in mind. Perhaps he intended to give him a large sum of gold, silver, and jewels?

Sun Er Gou couldn't help but fantasize.

"Do you have any interest in becoming the leader of the Si Ping Gang?" Han Li's words were like a bolt from the blue, causing Sun Er Gou's face to turn pale with shock, as if his soul had left his body.

"Sir, what joke are you making? Please don't play tricks on me! What qualifications and abilities do I have to become the leader of the gang?" Sun Er Gou said with a mournful face, muttering to himself.

"Why not? With me supporting you from behind, capturing control of a small gang like the Si Ping Gang is as easy as pie! Or would you rather continue being just a small leader who manages the docks for the rest of your life?" Han Li teased, trying to entice him.

Sun Er Gou's face fluctuated between surprise, fear, and excitement upon hearing this. Every man dreams of one day holding power and wealth in his hands and being able to control the lives and deaths of others.

The ambition buried deep in Sun Er Gou's heart was ignited by Han Li's few words. However, he still had some concerns, so he didn't immediately agree to Han Li's proposal.

"Our gang leader and the three chief guardians under him are quite formidable. Can you be sure of subduing them?" Sun Er Gou tentatively asked in a low voice.

"Subduing them? Haha, is that necessary? Just kill them all!" Han Li said coldly, with a disdainful expression as if he regarded them as mere ants.

Sun Er Gou couldn't help but shiver. This gentleman's murderous intent was quite strong! If he didn't agree, he might also be disposed of immediately, right?

"Since you think so highly of me, I'll sell my life to you, sir. I'll follow your orders in everything!" Sun Er Gou finally agreed to take a risk under Han Li's persuasion.

"Good, that's settled then!" Han Li nodded in satisfaction.

"Can you provide me with the recent whereabouts of your gang leader?" Han Li casually asked.

"Yes, he has been going to the most famous brothel in the western city, the Xiao Xiang Court, every afternoon these days. He has become infatuated with their top courtesan, Xiao Jinzhi. However, the three chief guardians also accompany him, so it might be dangerous. Shouldn't we wait a few more days for a better opportunity?" Sun Er Gou, now fully committed to risking his life for wealth and glory, spared no effort to assist Han Li.

"No need. Since we know the time and place, it's easy to take their lives." Han Li said indifferently.

"But after they die, I'm afraid you won't have the ability to take over the Si Ping Gang!" Sun Er Gou voiced his concern.

"That's true. I'm just an ordinary leader in the gang. There are many people with higher status and seniority than me." Sun Er Gou said, feeling embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. When I say you'll be the leader of the Si Ping Gang, you will be. I'll assign Qu Hun to you, eliminate those who oppose you, and provide you with personal protection for a while." Han Li said confidently.

Then, Han Li casually tapped three times on the wall of the neighboring room. After a moment, Qu Hun appeared before them.

"After they die, you will take over the Si Ping Gang in the chaos. But remember, bring the guy who saw the immortals to me intact. I have some questions for him. Do you understand?" Han Li's last sentence was stern, indicating that he attached great importance to this matter.

"Please rest assured, sir! I will definitely bring him to you intact and not disappoint you!" Sun Er Gou immediately pledged earnestly, slapping his chest and swearing, looking extremely loyal.

"That's good to know! Take Qu Hun with you. When you come to see me again, you will be the leader of the gang!" Han Li instructed calmly.

"I'll take my leave then!" Sun Er Gou, seeing that Han Li had issued the order to leave, promptly exited the room, followed closely by Qu Hun.

As soon as Sun Er Gou left the room, Han Li stood up. After pacing around the room for a while, he suddenly whistled softly, producing a melodious and lengthy sound. Soon after, the Cloudwing Bird swooped in through the window and perched on Han Li's shoulder.

Han Li took out a bottle from his pocket and poured out a Yellow Chestnut Pill, the Cloudwing Bird's favorite food, and gently fed it to the bird. Then, he whispered softly, "Little one, follow the man who just left the room. If he tries to leave the city or escape, immediately come and inform me."

After hearing Han Li's words, the Cloudwing Bird let out a few cries, extremely intelligent, and then flew out of the window, disappearing into the sky.

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