Chapter 71 Clear Spirit Powder

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Han Li frowned tightly, silent.

He had just finished checking the pulse, examining the tongue coating and pupils, and had preliminarily judged that this poison, similar to the "Entangling Fragrance Silk" he had used, was a mixed poison. To remove each of the various toxins contained within it would be extremely difficult for Han Li. He could only try using "Clear Spirit Powder" and other unconventional methods.

Thinking of this, Han Li cursed himself inwardly for not daring to detoxify and instead passing the difficult problem to other doctors. He pretended to be contemplating a solution.

After a while, Elder Zhao couldn't help but speak up, "You kid! Can you really save Elder Li? Say something!"

"Elder Zhao, you're too impatient. Can't you see that Doctor Han is trying to figure it out? Be patient!" Han Li hadn't responded yet, but Master Ma, beside him, spoke up, ridiculing Elder Zhao.

Elder Zhao glared, about to say something, but Han Li coughed lightly, interrupting his intention to speak.

With this cough, it caused everyone in the room to look at him in surprise. It was only then that Han Li realized how ridiculous it might seem for someone as young as him to cough like an elderly person. However, he didn't care. The purpose had been achieved. He didn't want to hear the two arguing anymore.

"This poison is a mixed poison, and detoxification is indeed very troublesome. I can't guarantee a hundred percent success, but it's worth a try. During the detoxification process, there may be some risks, and it may endanger Elder Li's life. Do the gentlemen still want me to proceed?" Han Li pretended to be hesitant and said the above words.

For him, it would be better if they didn't let him detoxify. He didn't have much confidence.

Han Li's words made the family members present exchange glances. No one dared to agree to let him detoxify immediately, but besides Han Li, it seemed that the other doctors were even less capable.

After a while, Li's wife suddenly spoke up, "I wonder how confident Doctor Han is in saving my husband?"

"Fifty percent," Han Li said without hesitation.

"Alright, Doctor Han, go ahead and save him. If my husband really has any mishap, I will never blame you, it's fate." Li's wife showed a determined look, decisively making a decision that surprised Han Li.

"Elder Sister, are you not considering it carefully? This kid is so young. It seems a bit strange!" Elder Zhao was a bit anxious and hurriedly tried to dissuade Li's wife from her impulsive decision.

"I have thought it over carefully. If we don't let Doctor Han try to detoxify, my husband probably won't make it through tonight. It's better to take the risk and try. There is still a fifty percent chance of survival." Li's wife said softly with a touch of sadness.

"This... " Elder Zhao was speechless.

Han Li glanced at the others, seemingly none of them opposed Li's wife's decision. He took out a blue porcelain bottle from his medicine bag and poured out a red pill.

"Who will get a bowl of warm water and dissolve this medicine in it to give to Elder Li?"

"I'll go." Han Li's words had just fallen, and a crisp voice sounded.

Standing beside him, the red-eyed Zhang Xiu'er responded, then walked out.

Slightly surprised, Li Feiyu immediately followed her, which made Han Li secretly despise Li Feiyu even more.

In a short while, Zhang Xiu'er returned with an empty hand. Li Feiyu carefully carried a white porcelain bowl and followed behind her.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the room couldn't help but smile, with a look of watching a good show. This made Zhang Xiu'er blush slightly, feeling a bit at a loss, showing the unmistakable demeanor of a young girl.

However, with this, the tense atmosphere in the room was much relieved, and the mood of some people relaxed a lot.

Li Feiyu handed the bowl to Li's wife.

"Doctor Han, is this bowl of water suitable?" Li's wife turned her head to ask Han Li for his opinion.

"It's okay." Han Li glanced at the white bowl and nodded, then reached out to take the bowl and threw the pill into the water, turning the whole bowl of water red in the blink of an eye.

"Give it to Elder Li to drink. You women are more meticulous. It's better for you to do it." Han Li stretched out his hand, handed the bowl back to her, and said.

Li's wife answered, busy, not declining.

"What kind of medicine is this?" Elder Zhao, watching Li's wife pour a large bowl of red potion into Elder Li's mouth little by little, couldn't help but suppress the question that everyone in the room wanted to know.

"A detoxifying medicine I made myself. I hope it will be effective." Han Li said lightly.

He didn't want others to know the name of "Clear Spirit Powder". Who knows if this kind of miraculous detoxifying medicine will cause him trouble? It's better to keep a low profile.

After the medicine was administered, after about the time it took for a meal, the black aura on Elder Li's face began to gradually dissipate, the poison spots on his body also lightened, and began to shrink.

This obvious change, even a layman knew that the poison on Elder Li's body was gradually reducing, and things were developing in a good direction.

Seeing this, everyone in the room couldn't help but smile with joy, and their eyes towards Han Li changed drastically, only Elder Zhao still couldn't hide his face and snorted disdainfully, but his expression also softened a lot.

Seeing that he hadn't taken any other steps and the poison had already started to recede, Han Li felt a little surprised.

"Clear Spirit Powder" turned out to be so effective, which was beyond his expectations. Perhaps this poison wasn't as powerful as he had imagined. He couldn't help but think so.

Despite the relief brought by the detoxification, Han Li felt a little depressed. The reason for this was twofold: one was that he had just said that there were some risks in the detoxification process, but if the toxicity was easily removed in the end, wouldn't it be like slapping himself in the face and letting others think he was deliberately deceiving them?

The second was that "Clear Spirit Powder" was so effective against others' poison, why didn't it work for his own? He still felt troubled by the Yin poison in his body.

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