Chapter 49 Trapped Within a Trap

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Just as the two were about to make contact, Han Li slightly twisted the blade in his hand, tilting it ever so slightly. It was only a minor adjustment, but in Doctor Mo's eyes, it caused a dramatic change.

Doctor Mo suddenly felt a bright light before his eyes, followed by several dazzling clusters of white light that intensely reflected in his eyes, leaving no room for escape.

Realizing the danger, he quickly stepped back and shut his eyes, but it was too late. The intense light pierced through his eyelids, flooding into his eyes without giving him a chance to react.

Doctor Mo felt his eyes heat up instantly, followed by a sharp pain and a continuous flow of tears. Despite the discomfort, he forced himself to open his eyes and look around, but all he saw was a blurry, white expanse, unable to discern any objects clearly.

Feeling both shocked and angry, Doctor Mo regretted falling for his opponent's trick once again.

However, Doctor Mo, having roamed the martial world for many years, was experienced in dealing with various dangers. While retreating to create distance between them, he swung his arms in front of him, relying on his invulnerable magical silver hands to shield his vital spots.

He made up his mind not to initiate any attacks until his vision cleared, intending to avoid falling into the cunning traps of his opponent.

Though unable to see his opponent's movements clearly, Doctor Mo listened intently, trying to anticipate the next move based on sound.

He vaguely saw a figure sway in front of him, followed by a sharp sound, accompanied by a cold wind, coming straight towards him.

Doctor Mo felt relieved at Han Li's attack. It was indeed naive to launch such an obvious frontal assault. His exceptional auditory skills allowed him to discern even the slightest movements.

Intentionally delaying his reaction, Doctor Mo left a small opening in his defense, prompting the attack to change direction towards it. He then swiftly grabbed the blade, unafraid of its sharpness.

Although Han Li tried to pull the sword back, Doctor Mo's magical silver hands kept it firmly in place. Feeling confident, Doctor Mo exerted full force to pull Han Li towards him, but to his surprise, the sword felt unexpectedly light.

Puzzled, Doctor Mo felt a sharp object approaching his throat at an extraordinary speed. Reacting instinctively, he twisted his head to the side, narrowly avoiding a fatal strike.

Despite the close call, Doctor Mo was wary of potential follow-up attacks from his opponent. Mimicking Han Li's earlier escape maneuver, he rolled away to create distance before standing up again.

Feeling a burning sensation on his neck, Doctor Mo realized he was bleeding. Hastily stemming the flow of blood with his fingers, he pondered how he had narrowly escaped the previous attack.

After the adrenaline subsided, Doctor Mo glanced at Han Li and noticed that his vision had cleared. Han Li stared at him with resentment, clearly disappointed that his attack had failed.

In Han Li's hand was a short, dagger-like weapon, with bloodstains indicating its recent use against Doctor Mo.

Doctor Mo's anger dissipated as he realized the true nature of the blade: it was hollow, concealing the sharp cone inside. His fury extinguished, Doctor Mo was left pondering the unexpected discovery.

He looked down and saw a handleless blade, light and airy. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the blade was hollow. Examining the shape and size of the cavity, he suddenly understood: the sharp cone was hidden inside the hollow blade. It was merely a cover, deceiving the eyes.

Instantly, his raging anger was extinguished by this unexpected discovery.

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