Chapter 62: Deal

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One strange and unfamiliar item after another was flipped out by Han Li, sorted into two piles based on their suspiciousness, and placed aside.

He gradually began to marvel at how many odd and dangerous things Doctor Mo carried on him. Among them were many items that looked deadly at first glance.

A tube of sleeve arrows designed to cause instant bleeding and choking.

A bag of sand soaked in snake venom.

A dozen extremely sharp throwing knives.


As the number of items increased, Han Li's breathing became more rapid, and he began to feel uneasy. He realized how lucky he had been when he fought Doctor Mo initially. If Doctor Mo had intended to kill him outright, he might have perished long ago.

Wiping the cold sweat off his face, Han Li chuckled to himself, "Being scared by dead people's things, what a joke."

Finally done with the search, Han Li began to examine each item in the suspicious pile.

"This small bottle smells terrible, seems to be some kind of antidote, should be safe."

"This strange weapon, looks like a small wheel, don't know what it's for, but probably has nothing to do with the giant man, so let's put it aside for now."

"As for this sachet..."

Han Li muttered to himself as he handled the items, appearing quite enthusiastic. At the moment, he was holding a common sachet embroidered with plain white silk flowers.

Normally, such a common item shouldn't raise suspicion. But Han Li believed that for such an ordinary item to appear on Doctor Mo, a man of influence, was unusual.

Han Li lifted the sachet with one hand, feeling its light weight, then pinched it. It felt like paper, as if there were pages inside.

Han Li's spirits lifted as he opened the sachet, unsurprisingly finding several sheets of paper inside.

After a quick glance, he recognized Doctor Mo's handwriting, giving him some reassurance. But upon closer examination, Han Li was astonished to find that it was a farewell letter left by Doctor Mo.

Han Li was puzzled, his curiosity piqued. He picked up the sheets of paper and read through them carefully.

After finishing, Han Li let out a long sigh, then furrowed his brow, looking troubled.

With his hands behind his back, Han Li paced around like an old man, lost in thought. Every few steps, he would stop, ponder something, then indecisively continue pacing.

Unconsciously, Han Li circled around Doctor Mo's corpse like a donkey pulling a millstone, constantly deep in thought. His face alternated between flushing red and paling, revealing inner turmoil beyond his control.

This erratic behavior, so unlike Han Li, would surely draw ridicule if witnessed by Li Feiyu. Han Li's current state was all because of the dire news and the dilemma presented in the farewell letter. The "Corpse Parasite Pill" antidote turned out to be poisonous, a rare and potent toxin. According to the letter, only Doctor Mo's family heirloom, the "Warm Sun Gem," could cure it. Apart from that, there was no other remedy, not even legendary panaceas.

In the letter, Doctor Mo made it clear to Han Li that this farewell letter and the poison were his final contingency plan. In case his plan to take over Han Li's body failed or if any mishap occurred, there was a high chance that Han Li would survive. For the sake of his affairs after his death, Doctor Mo proposed a simple deal in the letter, benefiting both parties. This deal would not only relieve Doctor Mo's worries but also bring Han Li a great fortune and countless benefits.

As for whether it would be Yu Zitong who ultimately survived, Doctor Mo never even considered it. In the letter, he spoke contemptuously of Yu Zitong, deeming him cold-hearted and cowardly, possessing only a bit of cunning. Even as a cultivator, he would never amount to anything significant. The one who would have the last laugh would definitely not be him.

Han Li couldn't help but chuckle bitterly at this point, realizing how Doctor Mo's cunning plots had ensnared him in the trap set by someone he underestimated. If Han Li hadn't concealed his true level of cultivation, he would have likely perished alongside Doctor Mo, leaving Yu Zitong to reap the benefits. Clearly, no matter the cultivator's background, they should never be underestimated.

In the letter, Doctor Mo proposed a simple deal: Han Li must visit his home within a year, or at most two. Firstly, because Doctor Mo's poison would inevitably take effect within two years. Secondly, Doctor Mo had a wife, concubines, daughters, and a considerable estate at home. Although Doctor Mo had made many arrangements before leaving and released distracting mist, prolonged absence would likely arouse suspicion among his unruly subordinates and enemies. Therefore, Han Li must ensure the safety of Doctor Mo's family, settling them somewhere far from the dangers of the martial world, living a carefree life.

As compensation for Han Li's assistance and to make up for his attempt on Han Li's life, Doctor Mo offered one of his daughters to Han Li as a wife. The dowry would be half of his entire fortune and the "Warm Sun Gem."

Before leaving, Doctor Mo had already handed the gem to his legal wife, indicating it was specifically for his daughter's dowry. Therefore, for the sake of his own life, Han Li would have to marry even if he didn't want to.

However, Doctor Mo also pointed out the significant risks involved. Carelessness could cost him his life, and the enemies capable of posing a threat to Doctor Mo were not easy to deal with!

Doctor Mo had arranged everything meticulously, binding Han Li's and his family's safety and fortune together with his life, leaving Han Li with no choice but to reluctantly accept this sweet poison

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