Chapter 57: Awakening and Enemy's Demise

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A chilling sensation surged from the depths of his heart, slowly waking Han Li from his slumber. As he woke, he felt an immense heaviness in his head, a dull ache spreading throughout his body, rendering him weak and feeble, as if recovering from a severe illness. He struggled to open his eyes, but they felt incredibly heavy, refusing to budge.

In a daze, Han Li recalled everything that had happened before he slipped into unconsciousness. With a sudden jolt, he shivered, his mind clearing slightly. He hastily checked his condition.

"Huh!" It seemed he hadn't been possessed. Though he couldn't open his eyes, the discomfort throughout his body told him that he was back in control.

"Could it be that Doctor Mo's plan failed?"

Surprised by the unexpected turn of events, Han Li considered this as the only plausible explanation.

Suppressing his excitement, Han Li patiently regained some strength before finally managing to open his eyes just a crack, allowing him to see his surroundings.

Upon opening them, he saw an elderly figure with gray hair, thin and haggard, staring at him with an expression of fear. It was Doctor Mo, aged beyond recognition, looking even older than before, almost like a decrepit old man.

At this moment, Doctor Mo's eyes widened in horror as he stared at Han Li.

Han Li was taken aback, muscles tensing throughout his body. Despite feeling weak, he was determined not to let himself be easily controlled again after the lesson he had learned last time.

However, he soon noticed something strange. Doctor Mo's expression was frozen, motionless, without the slightest sign of breath, as if he had long been dead.

Furrowing his brow, Han Li remained cautious, not letting his guard down. He focused intently on Doctor Mo's face, trying to find any flaws.

After careful observation for what seemed like half an hour, Han Li had to admit that Doctor Mo did not seem to be alive.

After a moment of hesitation, he cautiously approached Doctor Mo, grabbing his wrist and holding his hand under his nose to check for any signs of life.

Finally convinced, Han Li relaxed, feeling an immense sense of relief. The weight that had been pressing on his heart was finally lifted.

Even now, Han Li found it hard to believe that his greatest enemy, the cunning and ruthless Doctor Mo, had died so quietly, without any explanation.

He reached up to his forehead, feeling for the "Mind-Locking Talisman" that had disappeared without a trace. Not finding it nearby, he wondered where it had gone. Only later, when he recalled his knowledge of talismans, did he realize that the yellow talisman had probably turned to ashes due to the depletion of its magical power, leaving no trace behind.

With his mind now at ease, Han Li began to scan the area around Doctor Mo's body for any clues as to his demise.

The oil lamps around them were still lit, indicating that he hadn't been unconscious for long. However, the several pieces of green jade nearby had become dull and unremarkable, as if their quality had suddenly deteriorated.

As his gaze swept the room, something caught his eye in the corner—a figure trying to hide, avoiding Han Li's gaze.

The figure was familiar to Han Li—it was the green light ball he had fought with and ultimately let slip through his grasp in his dream.

Approaching cautiously, Han Li stopped when he was only a few feet away from it and spoke slowly:

"I think it's time we met. You must be Yu Zitong."

The green light ball trembled slightly, its light flickering uncertainly. Upon hearing Han Li utter its name, it dimmed for a while before brightening again.

"You guessed right. You're just as troublesome as Doctor Mo, your master. Not easy to deal with."

The light ball seemed resigned, even speaking in human language, sounding exactly like the young man.

Without attempting to deceive him, Yu Zitong admitted Han Li's guess.

"Well, then, perhaps you should explain yourself and tell me everything about who you are, how you know Doctor Mo, and what your original plan was. I have plenty of time to listen to your story." Han Li spoke calmly, showing no signs of anger, maintaining his composure.

However, Yu Zitong, upon seeing Han Li's calm demeanor, couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine, sensing imminent danger. He had just experienced the power of this star of calamity in the recent mental battle, where he had barely escaped with his life and lost most of his magical power. Now facing the real person, he had no means of self-defense and felt an indescribable fear.

Knowing that the other party had just narrowly escaped death, Yu Zitong realized that Han Li might be emotionally unstable and highly dangerous. Despite Han Li's apparent calmness, he might be like a volcano on the verge of eruption, brewing with pent-up anger.

Since he had been discovered, the best course of action was to cooperate and not test the other's patience with words. Yu Zitong didn't want to recklessly provoke him and risk being buried under his impulses.

"What do you want to know?"

He knew that even though the other party appeared calm on the surface, he should be extremely careful, as his true emotions might be boiling beneath the surface, much like a volcano before it erupts.

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