Chapter 20: The Marrow Extract Pill

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Having left the cliff behind, Han Li could still faintly hear the clamor of the crowd. However, he had no intention of worrying about how they would resolve the dispute between Wang Dapang and Zhang Changgui.

Thinking about Jin Dongbao standing there dumbfounded made Han Li want to laugh out loud. He felt remarkably light-hearted at that moment, without the oppressive feeling he had in the valley.

As he emerged from the pine forest and walked deeper into the wilderness, a small stream appeared before him.

Glancing at the scorching sun in the sky and then at the gently flowing water of the stream, Han Li thought it would be a good idea to wash up in the stream.

As he bent down and dipped his hands into the cool water, he heard painful groans coming from upstream.

Surprised that there were people in such a remote place, Han Li followed the groans and found a disciple wearing the inner sect attire lying face down by the stream, trembling uncontrollably.

Han Li immediately realized that the disciple was suffering from acute illness and needed immediate help, or his life would be in danger.

He rushed over and took out a sandalwood box from his pocket. Opening it, he took out shiny silver needles and swiftly inserted them into the acupoints on the man's back.

After finishing with the back acupoints, Han Li flipped the man over, intending to work on the acupoints on his chest.

As he turned the man over, Han Li was taken aback. The person in critical condition was none other than "Brother Li," who had just displayed his prowess on the cliff.

Han Li paused for a moment and carefully examined the face he had seen not long ago.

At this moment, Brother Li no longer had the gallant and invincible appearance he had shown earlier. His originally cold and stern face was now twisted in pain, with foam oozing from his mouth. It was evident that Brother Li was delirious from the pain.

Han Li regained his composure, pondered for a moment, and then swiftly began to insert silver needles into Brother Li's body. He administered dozens of needles in quick succession. When he finished the last needle, Han Li wiped the sweat from his forehead and heaved a sigh. This emergency acupuncture technique was also quite a burden for him.

When Brother Li's body was covered in glittering silver needles, he finally regained consciousness and his senses.

"You are..." He struggled to say something but lacked the strength to utter the remaining words.

"I'm from Divine Hand Valley. Don't speak anymore. Focus on recovering your strength. I can only wake you up this once. Your illness is quite strange, and I'm afraid only Doctor Mo can save you. Unfortunately, he is not on the mountain now." Han Li checked Brother Li's pulse and frowned.

"Medicine... in..." Brother Li's expression became anxious, and his lips trembled as he tried to lift his arm to say something, but he couldn't.

"Do you have the medicine that can cure your illness?" Han Li immediately understood what he meant and guessed, asking in return.

"Uh..." Brother Li nodded weakly, relieved that Han Li understood him.

Without hesitation, Han Li searched through his belongings and found many items. Among them, a small white jade bottle was picked out by him. This bottle was so precious and tightly sealed that it must be the item he was looking for.

He picked up the bottle and looked back at Brother Li's expression. Indeed, Brother Li's face was full of joy, and he blinked his eyes desperately.

Han Li opened the bottle cap, but unexpectedly, instead of a medicinal fragrance, a strong fishy smell rushed out of the bottle.

Han Li's face turned ugly the moment he smelled the odor. Carefully pouring out a pink pill from it, the pill looked so lovely, but emitted such an unpleasant smell, which was truly unbelievable.

"Is this the pill?" Han Li's expression returned to calmness.

Brother Li's face turned pale as soon as he heard Han Li's words, devoid of any color. Panic flashed in his eyes.

"Don't tell me that this pill in my hand isn't the Marrow Extract Pill." Han Li paused for a moment in his speech.

Brother Li, upon hearing this, had a despairing expression on his face, but there was still a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"You must be surprised. This kind of pill is extremely rare. How could I recognize it?" Han Li noticed his questioning gaze and changed the subject, speaking about himself.

"In fact, it's simple. I have also taken one of these pills." Han Li's words stunned Brother Li completely, but then he showed an expression of disbelief.

"My method of taking this pill was different from yours. I only took one pill in total, and I divided it into ten portions to be taken over ten times. Each time, I used it as a decoction for other medicines, so there were no harmful side effects to my body. Because the appearance and smell of the pill were so different, I had a very deep impression of it. I always thought that besides the pill I took, no one else in the world should really take this secret medicine. I didn't expect to find someone within our sect."

After saying these words, Han Li looked at Brother Li with a gaze that seemed admiring and pitying.

Brother Li didn't want to meet Han Li's gaze with his own. He closed his eyes gently, but his chest rose and fell irregularly, indicating that he was in a state of confusion.

"You've been taking this medicine for several years, right? If you stop taking it now, I can ask Doctor Mo to prescribe another medicine for you. Although it won't restore all of your lifespan, it will allow you to live another twenty or thirty years. However, your martial arts skills will not be preserved. If you continue to take this pill, judging from today's situation, you may live for another five or six years at most. Of course, during these years, your martial arts will progress faster and faster than before. Since you dared to take this secret medicine, you must be a determined person. It's up to you to decide what to do with your body. Will you take this pill or discard it?"

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