Chapter 60 Poison Test

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Yú Zǐtóng was confident in his words; he didn't believe anyone could resist the lure of becoming an immortal and attaining eternal life. Initially, even Mò Dàfū harbored deep hatred towards him, but under the same persuasion, he eventually cooperated obediently. Yú Zǐtóng was sure that with just a little more coaxing, this person would surely yield.

However, Yú Zǐtóng was disappointed. After hearing his tempting words, Hán Lì didn't show any excitement but remained calm, as if those words hadn't caused any ripples in his heart.

"Cooperation is something I'll consider later. But for now, I have a question I hope you can answer," Hán Lì said, fixing a clear gaze on the orb.

"If I answer your question, will you be willing to cooperate?" Yú Zǐtóng asked.

"It depends on whether your answer satisfies me."

"Alright, ask away," Yú Zǐtóng agreed readily, understanding the principle of 'bend a little when under the roof of another's home.'

Instead of answering immediately, Hán Lì lifted his head and pondered for a moment, as if considering how to phrase his question appropriately. Yú Zǐtóng, on the other hand, was taken aback by his solemn demeanor, wondering what troublesome question Hán Lì would pose.

"I want to know what adverse effects there might be after I assimilate part of Mò Dàfū and your soul. Why do I feel a headache and as if I've gained something but can't access it? Is there anything wrong?" Hán Lì finally voiced the question that had been bothering him since he woke up.

Upon hearing this, Yú Zǐtóng was relieved that the issue Hán Lì was concerned about was minor. He spoke in a much lighter tone.

"Hehe! So, that's what it is. My friend, you worry too much; there's no need to be concerned. You see, the things stuffed into your mind will gradually dissipate within one or two years, so you needn't worry about it."

"So, you're saying that my assimilation of these things is completely futile, and nothing stays? I find that hard to believe," Hán Lì said skeptically, casting a distrustful glance at Yú Zǐtóng.

"It's not entirely true that nothing stays. However, what does remain is very little," Yú Zǐtóng hurriedly explained, afraid that Hán Lì might misunderstand.

"Among the assimilated elements are memories, experiences, emotions, etc., which you can't tamper with. If absorbed, you may become mentally handicapped or suffer from personality disorders. In severe cases, your mental capacity may skyrocket, causing your brain to burst and die."

"You must understand, the soul is the most delicate thing and cannot be casually integrated with other elements. While it's possible to temporarily harbor assimilated souls in your mind, turning them into your own is wishful thinking. Otherwise, just by taking over someone's body, you would gain their experience, memories, and techniques. Wouldn't that lead to chaos? Who would diligently practice and understand different realms and techniques when they could just possess someone else's body and gain everything?"

"The only usable aspect of an assimilated soul is the tiny bit of primordial energy it contains. This can slightly enhance your own soul, but it's just a tiny amount. This type of energy dissipates the fastest; within a few days, it will be entirely lost and unusable."

As Hán Lì listened to Yú Zǐtóng's explanation, the last lingering worry in his heart dissipated. He could tell that Yú Zǐtóng wasn't lying. At this moment, Yú Zǐtóng was probably thinking about cooperating with him, similar to what had happened with Mò Dàfū. So, there was no need for him to deceive Hán Lì about this issue that could be quickly verified.

After Yú Zǐtóng finished explaining, seeing Hán Lì nodding in agreement, he felt a surge of joy. The orb representing his soul seemed to shine a bit brighter, and eagerly, he asked, "Hán, my friend, it seems you're satisfied with my explanation. Shall we discuss our cooperation?"

"Of course, being able to cooperate with a cultivator is a wonderful opportunity!" Hán Lì suddenly smiled, revealing his sparkling white teeth, appearing exceptionally sincere.

"Really?" Yú Zǐtóng became excited. He hadn't expected Hán Lì to agree so readily and quickly sought confirmation.

"Of course," Hán Lì replied promptly and crisply.

Then, he smiled as he took something out from his bosom, speaking in a friendly tone to Yú Zǐtóng, "Now that we're partners, wouldn't you mind cooperating with a small experiment before we proceed with our discussions?"

"Experiment?" Yú Zǐtóng was startled, feeling a sense of déjà vu as he gazed at the cylindrical object in Hán Lì's hand, sensing an ominous premonition.

"Yes, a poison test."

Before Yú Zǐtóng could react, Hán Lì's thumb moved, and a black, viscous liquid sprayed out from the cylinder, emitting a foul odor as it shot toward its target.

"Ahh!" Yú Zǐtóng let out a scream as his soul was drenched by the black liquid, causing the green light on it to dim significantly, indicating that he had suffered considerable damage.

"You... you dare to poison me, to ambush me?" Yú Zǐtóng screamed hoarsely, seeming unable to accept what had just happened.

Hán Lì paid no attention to Yú Zǐtóng's anger. He reached for the buckle on his waist, and with a swift motion, pulled out a shining sword from the compartment of his belt. The sword was about as wide as a finger and roughly one and a half feet long, incredibly flexible and rare—a "jade belt short sword."

This sword was the last and most expensive weapon Hán Lì had commissioned from a blacksmith, but he wasn't proficient in this type of weapon. Thus, he had never used it before, but now, it came in handy.

Hán Lì held the sword, which he had kept hidden on his person and had almost never had the chance to use, with a grim expression. The smile from earlier was nowhere to be seen.

With a look of disgust in his eyes, he glanced at Yú Zǐtóng, whose soul was still trembling slightly, and without a word, he took a step forward, slashing wildly at the orb as if he were using a cleaver to chop wood.

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