Chapter 107 Mo Yuzhu

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Unaware of the conversation between the man in blue and the man in yellow, Han Li felt relieved to have narrowly escaped a potential threat. Although he was annoyed by the man in blue's disregard, Han Li, aware of the vast difference in strength between them, felt a sense of relief akin to ascending to the heavens, feeling much lighter and at ease.

However, the disturbance caused by the man in blue left Han Li unable to calm his mind. The peace he had previously felt was shattered, and he sighed, standing up and preparing to settle the bill and leave the restaurant.

Suddenly, faint hoofbeats echoed on the street outside, growing clearer as they approached. Han Li's spirits lifted as he returned to his seat and glanced out at the street.

According to Sun Er Gou's intelligence, the hoofbeats signaled the return of Miss Mo Yuzhu from outside the city.

It was said that Miss Mo Yuzhu, despite being a daughter of the Mo Mansion, had never been fond of traditional feminine pursuits, preferring instead martial arts and hunting. She had even learned impressive skills from experts in the Misty Dragon Society.

What amazed many was her love for hunting, an activity usually associated with men. She often rode out into the forests outside the city for days on end. This had attracted the attention of many young men in pursuit of her affections, including the recent arrival, Wu Jianming.

Upon hearing these rumors, Han Li became curious about Miss Mo Yuzhu. A woman with such character was rare indeed, and he hoped she wouldn't disappoint.

As Han Li observed from the restaurant, a group of riders, led by a young man and a woman, approached the Mo Mansion. The woman wore hunting attire, her face partially obscured by a purple cloak.

As the riders passed the restaurant, Han Li caught a glimpse of the woman's face. Her skin was fair as snow, her nose straight and delicate, her eyes dark and bright, and her lips red and alluring.

"This must be Mo Yuzhu! No wonder she has captivated the hearts of all the young men in Jiayuan City. Her beauty truly surpasses all description," Han Li thought to himself.

The handsome young man approached Mo Yuzhu, and after a few words, she blushed and playfully scolded him before entering the mansion. The young man followed with a smile.

"That must be Wu Jianming? He's quite skilled at charming women, and he's not bad-looking either!" Han Li thought sourly, acknowledging that he wouldn't match up to him in terms of appearance.

"It seems that Mo Yuzhu and this Wu gentleman have a good relationship. This complicates matters," Han Li frowned, realizing that the situation might not be as easy to handle as he had thought.

"Regardless, I must obtain the Nuan Yang Jade quickly and be cautious. Its toxicity is not to be underestimated; it may erupt at any moment," Han Li thought with concern.

After taking one last glance at the Mo Mansion, Han Li settled the bill and left the restaurant, returning to his inn.

After careful consideration, Han Li decided to adopt the most direct and effective approach: to meet with Madame Yan, the organizer of the Misty Dragon Society, and use the token Doctor Mo had given him to expose the imposter who had gained the Mo Mansion's trust. As for obtaining the Nuan Yang Jade, he would have to act opportunistically.

With his decision made, Han Li no longer hesitated. He rested in his room, preparing for his nocturnal activities.

However, during this time, the image of Mo Yuzhu's stunning face kept resurfacing in his mind, refusing to dissipate completely.

"Could it be that I've developed feelings for her?" Han Li thought uncomfortably.

But then he reassured himself, "It's perfectly normal to be attracted to such a beautiful woman; it doesn't necessarily mean I like her."

As someone who had only dipped his toes into the path of cultivation, Han Li instinctively avoided matters of love and romance.

At midnight, Han Li dressed in black and slipped out of the inn. With stealth and caution, he navigated rooftops, evading patrols, until he reached the outskirts of the Mo Mansion.

After circling the compound, he chuckled softly, transforming into wisps of smoke and slipping into the mansion's rear courtyard, completely unnoticed by the guards.

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