Chapter 166: Ruthless

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"Haha! Here it is, found it! I knew Sister would carry it with her at all times, and it turned out to be true!" Senior Brother Lu exclaimed ecstatically as he dug out a small red wooden box from the pile of things.

The lid of the box was already open, but due to the angle, Han Li couldn't see what was inside. His curiosity grew stronger, but he dared not make any rash moves.

After all, the guy opposite was so ruthless that he could even target his own female companion. If this "Senior Brother" of his discovered him, he would surely kill to keep him quiet.

Moreover, the power of the opponent's wind attribute spells, he had seen it with his own eyes, was sharp both in attack and defense, something he, with his mediocre skills, couldn't compare to. Furthermore, the opponent's mastery of mana was much deeper, seemingly at the mid-level of the twelfth floor. In this case, whether it was spells or mana, he was definitely at a disadvantage, with seemingly little chance of winning.

However, Han Li believed that if he really gave it his all, he could still hold his own against the opponent. After all, with the original magical items plus the newly acquired ones, he wasn't someone to be trifled with. But he wasn't interested in risking his life for this hero-saving-damsel act. After all, "Sister Chen" and he had no relationship whatsoever. She had brought it upon herself, mistaking a wolf for her lover and walking right into the trap. Who could she blame? Han Li didn't have the resolve to risk his life for such a cause.

So he decided to watch this spectacle to the end, then go his separate way from this "Senior Brother." Of course, he would have to be more cautious around this "Senior Brother" in the future. After all, someone so cruel and ruthless was something he had never seen before, and he was willing to concede defeat in terms of ruthlessness.

Thinking of this, Han Li quietly performed the newly learned Concealment Technique, fearing that the other party might inadvertently sense his presence, forcing him to engage in a deadly battle.

At this moment, "Senior Brother Lu" put the wooden box into his storage bag, then chuckled a few times before approaching "Sister Chen" again.

He continued tearing at the woman's clothes excitedly while speaking aloud all his thoughts, sending chills down Han Li's spine as he listened in from behind the rock.

"Sister, don't blame me! I have no choice in this matter. You see, that arrogant Dong Ni said that as long as I completely cut ties with you and turn to cultivating with her after forming the Foundation, she would ask our senior aunt—Red Robe Senior Aunt—to personally accept me as her disciple and teach me earth-shattering great spells. This is a golden opportunity for me! I don't want to miss out on it, so I have to inconvenience you, Sister."

Lying on the ground, "Sister Chen," who was glaring at him, trembled with anger, wishing she could sit up immediately and bite this heartless man, but unfortunately, she had already been bound by the "Wind Binding Technique" and couldn't move at all, not even able to curse him. She could only let him do as he pleased.

But what he said next made her feel even colder, almost passing out.

"Cough! If Sister weren't the only daughter of the Chen family's patriarch, I might have spared you. I'm afraid you might turn from love to hate and seek revenge through the Chen family's power, tarnishing my reputation. I've heard that Red Robe Senior Aunt detests unfaithful men the most. So for the sake of my beauty and reputation, Sister, you should disappear from this world! No one will suspect me, after all, we were so affectionate before!" Senior Brother Lu said hypocritically, while his hands didn't stop moving. In the blink of an eye, "Sister Chen" was left completely naked.

"Senior Brother Lu" saw the beauty before him, his eyes filled with lust, and his fingers began to move slowly on her smooth skin, with an expression that showed he intended to savor her fully. He continued speaking:

"But what really intrigues me is that Sister, like me, still has a Foundation Establishment Pill unused. I suppose she wants to wait until she has perfected her basic cultivation techniques before taking it! After all, doing so would increase the chances of successful Foundation Establishment. However, since Sister's pure body is already given to me, she wouldn't mind parting with this Foundation Establishment Pill! I was a little worried about taking one Foundation Establishment Pill alone, fearing it might fail, as even for Spirit Root bearers, Foundation Establishment failure is common. But now, with Sister's pill, there's no doubt about successfully forming the Foundation."

With that, "Senior Brother Lu" withdrew his hands, took out the wooden box and another green porcelain bottle from his storage bag, and looked around with a triumphant expression.

Han Li, who had been eavesdropping, began to think.

Seeing the "Foundation Establishment Pill" appear before his eyes, not just one but two at once, was too tempting for him.

After all, wasn't his plan to participate in the Bloody Trial for the sake of the Foundation Establishment Pill? If he could obtain it without taking such risks, he would certainly want to try it.

Thinking of this, Han Li focused on observing Senior Brother Lu's every move. If the opponent showed any weakness, he would not hesitate to attack immediately and kill him to obtain the two Foundation Establishment Pills.

At this moment, "Sister Chen" exhibited a strange symptom. The resentment on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by a trance-like expression. Her exposed skin turned pink, and her trembling lips couldn't produce any sound.

"Hehe! It seems the Love Inducing Pill is working. Sister must be extremely uncomfortable now. To repay Sister's great kindness, I'll have to work hard to let Sister taste the unbearable pain. This way, it will also be considered repaying Sister for her past kindness."

"Senior Brother Lu" shamelessly soliloquized, and he put away the items in his hands, preparing to undress, intending to enjoy himself thoroughly.

Seeing this, Han Li's mind stirred. If he attacked after Senior Brother Lu had stripped, the opponent would surely be thrown into disarray, making his move highly effective.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt confident in this approach, and he became even more vigilant towards Senior Brother Lu, even subconsciously glancing at the opponent's face a few times.

"Wait a minute."

After glancing several times, Han Li immediately noticed something was wrong.

Although this "Senior Brother Lu" was busy undoing his belt, he was taking too long. Even now, the belt was still intact, with no sign of being loosened. What was even more suspicious was that while Senior Brother Lu's face showed a sense of urgency, his eyes were clear and composed, with a hint of a sneer.

Han Li's heart sank, feeling that something was terribly wrong. His guard shot up, and he quickly expanded his spiritual awareness, taking out a "Water Shield" charm and placing it in his palm.

Just as Han Li finished these actions, he suddenly felt something silently flying towards him from the left. Were it not for his heightened spiritual awareness, he might not have noticed at all, leaving him both startled and enraged.

Without much thought, Han Li hurriedly slapped a talisman onto himself, enveloping him in a shimmering blue light barrier. At that moment, a bluish-green rope-like object also swiftly flew towards him, but it was timely blocked by the blue light.



Both "Brother Lu" and Han Li uttered sounds simultaneously. "Brother Lu" seemed surprised by his failed ambush, while Han Li was filled with a mix of shock and anger at the cunning and deceitfulness of his opponent, narrowly avoiding being ensnared.

"Well, well! Your reaction is quite impressive. It seems you're not an ordinary bystander. But after observing for so long, shouldn't you come out and have a chat with me, Brother Lu?" With a wave of his hand, the bluish-green rope returned to his grasp. He then calmly addressed Han Li, who had been hiding, indicating that he had long since discovered his presence.

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