Chapter 26: Medicinal Herb Catalyst

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Just when Han Li thought the gloomy weather would continue for a while, the sun finally emerged, and the sky cleared.

It had been almost half a month since Han Li discovered the secret of the green liquid, and he was getting impatient. On the clear night, he witnessed once again the phenomenon he had seen four years ago: numerous dots of light gathering around the bottle, forming a large cluster.

Seeing this spectacle, Han Li felt relieved. It was evident that the small bottle was not a one-time consumable but a reusable item.

After another seven days of waiting, a drop of green liquid appeared in the bottle again. Although Han Li was already quite confident, seeing the green liquid inside still made him extremely happy. This meant he would have a steady supply of rare medicinal herbs in the future, and he no longer had to worry about it.

The value of medicinal herbs largely depends on their age. The longer a herb grows, the more potent its medicinal properties become. However, older herbs are harder to find and usually grow in remote and dangerous places.

While some wealthy families cultivate rare herbs as a precaution, most people don't have the resources to grow herbs that take decades to mature. Occasionally, rare herbs appear in the market but are quickly bought by wealthy families, leading to a steep increase in prices.

Han Li didn't have high hopes for Master Mo's expedition and no longer worried about it, knowing he could cultivate good herbs with the bottle.

With a mixed feeling, Han Li conducted several experiments to ripen herbs. In one experiment, he diluted the green liquid and sprinkled it on various herbs, but the result was only ordinary herbs with one or two years of ripening effect, inferior to the first batch. From this, Han Li vaguely understood some rules.

In the next experiment, he skipped the dilution step and directly dripped the green liquid onto a ginseng plant. Surprisingly, the next day, he obtained a hundred-year-old ginseng, identical to a wild one. This success delighted him because it indicated he had mastered the use of the green liquid.

He also experimented with storing the green liquid in various containers but found that it disappeared within minutes if taken out of the small bottle. Even the diluted liquid showed the same characteristic.

After several unsuccessful attempts to store the liquid, Han Li decided to conduct another test: enhancing the medicinal properties of herbs. He dripped the green liquid onto a green Sanwu grass, turning it into a yellow one with a hundred-year-old property. Several days later, he dripped the liquid again, and its age increased by another hundred years.

This successful test showed that with patience, he could further increase the age of the Sanwu grass. However, Han Li felt it unnecessary as he only needed herbs with hundreds of years of age.

After completing these experiments, Han Li finally had time to rest and plan. He realized the danger of possessing the bottle, as others might kill him for it. Thus, he decided to keep it a secret and be cautious in using it.

However, he couldn't neglect his need for medicinal herbs. Despite feeling melancholic about his stagnant cultivation, he understood the importance of not delaying it. His recent changes were closely tied to the unnamed cultivation method.

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