Chapter 56 The Battle of Light Spheres

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"Yu Zitong, I just want to remind you one last time, if something happens to me, you won't fare well either."
"Keep in mind, your current spiritual form won't last much longer. Without me finding a suitable physical body for you, you might truly dissipate. So, if there are any flaws or deceptions in the techniques I taught you, it's not too late to tell me now. I won't hold any grudges against you. I can even swear an oath right in front of you." The Ink Doctor persisted in advising the young man.
Han Li finally grasped the situation. The Ink Doctor's earnest words were merely his fear that this person named Yu Zitong might have tampered with the techniques during transmission, leading to a disaster for himself. Therefore, in this critical moment, he was being cautious, attempting to verify the information once again from the other party, in order to reassure himself.
"I swear there is absolutely no tampering with the possession technique I taught you. If I deceived you, let my entire family and clan suffer heavenly retribution and perish. I swear by my ancestors, parents, entire family, and even my clan." Yu Zitong didn't hesitate and swiftly made another solemn oath, showing that he was well aware of the Ink Doctor's concerns.
"Furthermore, although you can temporarily gain some magical power and perform simple spells after using the Seven Ghosts Devouring Soul Technique, it comes at the cost of your essence. With the remaining essence in your body, will you still be able to use this technique next time?" After making the oath, Yu Zitong blocked the Ink Doctor's retreat with his words.
After these words were spoken, the stone room fell silent once again, with only the Ink Doctor's restless pacing audible.
Han Li silently prayed, for the first time in his life, to any passing deity, hoping the other party would be scared off and give up on their malicious intentions. Even though he knew it was absurd and a form of self-deception, it was the only thing he could do at the moment.
"Alright, trust those who trust you, suspect those who doubt you. If you want to seek such great benefits, it's natural to take a little risk." The Ink Doctor finally made up his mind.
With this statement, Han Li felt despair. If he had any sensation in his face, it would surely be pale with a look of despair.
Yu Zitong, on the other hand, seemed pleased, with excitement in his voice.
"It should be this way. Think about it. Originally, you were just an ordinary person with no spiritual roots, completely unfit for the path of cultivation. But after the successful execution of this method, it's different. With this body possessing spiritual roots, you can find a cultivation clan or sect to join, thus having the possibility to escape the cycle of life and death, and live much longer than ordinary people."
"Well then, I'll accept your kind words. Rest assured, Ink Brother, I, Mo Jurén, keep my word. Once successful, I'll immediately help you find a body with spiritual roots. I won't let you down, Old Yu." The Ink Doctor, under Yu Zitong's enthusiastic words, began to indulge in fantasies about the bright future, showing a lot more courtesy to Yu Zitong and trying to win him over.
"Thank you very much, Ink Brother. After I succeed, I will not withhold any cultivation techniques and will pass them all on to you." Yu Zitong, also exceptionally cunning, took advantage of the situation to get closer and establish a relationship with the Ink Doctor.
Listening to this, Han Li was infuriated. These two were truly colluding shamelessly, disregarding his opinion and treating his body as a commodity. However, he was currently helpless.
Putting aside his doubts, the Ink Doctor decided not to delay any longer.
He took out several thin gold needles from somewhere and swiftly inserted them into the secret acupoints behind his head, making himself flush with energy and fully prepared to perform magic without error.
Then he walked to Han Li's side, lifted his body, and arranged it in a sitting position on the ground. He sat across from him, crossed his arms tightly over his chest, and sat down.
The Ink Doctor formed a hand seal, then flicked his hand, and a red light shot out, hitting the pattern under Han Li's body, instantly causing several jade stones around to light up.
Then, in a low and solemn voice, he began to chant a spell from his mouth, like a curse, making the listener drowsy and sleepy. Han Li's consciousness gradually became blurred as the chanting entered his ears, making him extremely drowsy.
"Not good." Han Li knew something was wrong and realized that the other party was deliberately inducing this state as a prelude to taking over his body. He was unwilling to sit idly by and resist with all his might against the voice.
But to no avail. If he could still control his body, he could use methods like biting his tongue or pinching himself to stay awake, but now he could only passively endure.
Under the powerful hypnosis of the spell, Han Li soon lost consciousness. Before falling into a coma, he vaguely saw the Ink Doctor's once extremely handsome face, now appearing hideous and terrifying in the dim light, devoid of its former charm.
"You've become so ugly!" This was the last sentence Han Li wanted to say before falling asleep, a helpless curse without any dirty words.
In the endless darkness, Han Li had a very strange dream.
In the dream, he was a green light sphere the size of a fist, with his own small world where he freely roamed, extremely joyful.
But soon, a yellow light sphere broke in, only the size of a thumb, much smaller than Han Li's green sphere, but it was aggressive and hostile. Upon seeing Han Li, it viciously rushed over and opened its big mouth to bite him. Han Li, of course, didn't back down and also manifested a mouth, fiercely fighting back.
After just a few moments, the yellow light sphere was easily swallowed by Han Li, who, relying on his large size, quickly ended the battle.
After winning, Han Li was elated, savoring the delicious taste of victory. At this moment, another invader entered, another green light sphere just like him, but slightly larger in size, although its light appeared dimmer and weaker than Han Li's.
Upon seeing Han Li's green sphere, the opponent seemed surprised, hesitating for a moment. But Han Li, having just tasted the wonderful taste of devouring other light spheres, was unwilling to let the opponent go and rushed forward. The opponent had no choice but to fight back, but it was obvious that it was just an empty shell, barely holding on for a while longer than the yellow one, before finally collapsing and fleeing.
Han Li refused to let it go and chased after it, but the opponent was cunning, detaching the bitten parts whenever caught, allowing it to continue fleeing. Eventually, it managed to escape, albeit with its size reduced by a third.
After experiencing two battles, this domain continued to be dominated by Han Li. His light sphere eagerly awaited other invaders to come, but unfortunately, none ever came again.
As time passed, he stopped caring, continuing to float alone happily, as if this would last forever.

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