Chapter 96: Flaws

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Han Li found out while controlling the gray light in actual combat that although the Drive Object Technique could make the talisman's gray light extremely sharp and almost unstoppable, allowing it to attack enemies with a wave of his hand, there were still some significant limitations.

Firstly, driving this gray light consumed an immense amount of spiritual power!

Someone like Han Li, who had cultivated the Longevity Arts to the eighth level, could use the complete version of the Fireball Technique continuously for hundreds of times. However, when driving the gray light, his spiritual power could only last for a short fifteen minutes before it dissipated.

Now looking back, it wasn't that Elder Jinguang didn't want to use the gray light from the beginning, but rather his spiritual power was too limited, and he could only maintain control of the talisman for a pitifully short amount of time.

This also explained why Han Li encountered such weak resistance when he seized the talisman. The opponent probably had already exhausted most of his spiritual power when controlling the gray light earlier, and facing Han Li, whose spiritual power was originally far superior, the dwarf naturally couldn't put up much of a fight and was easily defeated.

In addition to this, another flaw of the gray light was that there was a certain limit to the distance it could harm people when flying. The gray light could only be manipulated freely within a radius of twenty zhang (about sixty meters) centered around Han Li. Beyond this range, it would become sluggish and malfunction intermittently. When it flew more than thirty zhang (about ninety meters) away, the gray light would completely revert to its original talisman form and fall to the ground as dust.

While Han Li believed that these two flaws would gradually improve as he advanced in spiritual power, the final issue was the fatal flaw of the talisman itself.

After using the talisman a few times, Han Li discovered that the cold light emitted by the gray small sword drawn on the talisman would gradually weaken as the number of uses increased, indicating that its lifespan was slowly shortening. In other words, the talisman had a certain limit to its number of uses and lifespan. When it reached its limit, the talisman's spiritual essence would be exhausted, and it would cease to function.

This was one of the reasons why Han Li stopped practicing immediately after he had learned to manipulate the gray light to some extent. After all, he wanted to keep such a powerful item for critical moments. Perhaps this item could save his life in some future crisis.

Likewise, Han Li believed that the golden talisman capable of forming a golden light barrier should have similar limitations, but since he didn't know the activation method at the moment, he had to store it properly for later use.

As for the triangular token and the Qin Family Genealogy, Han Li also studied them during his rest, but unfortunately, there was no gain.

On the fifth day, just as Han Li removed the "Closed to visitors" sign, Li Feiyu rushed in excitedly, and as soon as he saw Han Li, he began recounting the rumors about him being demonized.

These rumors left Han Li feeling both amused and exasperated. He could only look at Li Feiyu with a straight face, feeling no amusement, and watched as the latter openly ridiculed him.

Finally, Li Feiyu stopped laughing and adopted a solemn tone as he said to Han Li, "I believe you can guess why I'm here!"

"Hmm! Isn't it because those big shots are worried about me and sent you to sound me out?" Han Li said nonchalantly.

"Hehe! It's good that you know." Li Feiyu let out a sigh of relief as if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

"But, how do you plan to explain to those guys about me? You know, they promised to officially appoint me as the deputy hall master of the Outer Blade Hall in exchange for my loyalty." Li Feiyu then grinned playfully.

Han Li furrowed his brows and, after some thought, muttered to himself, "It seems that unless I meet with Master Wang and the others and clarify some things, they won't be at ease."

"Alright! Tell Master Wang that I will personally go to Sunset Peak to see him tomorrow at noon, so he doesn't need to worry." Han Li smiled.

"Okay! With your words, I can report back with peace of mind." Li Feiyu shrugged, looking indifferent.

After that, Han Li and Li Feiyu chatted for a while, and Han Li even performed the Fireball Technique up close to impress his friend and widen his horizons, leaving Li Feiyu in awe for quite some time.

Shortly afterward, Li Feiyu took his leave from the valley and went back to report to Wang Juechu and the others.

Standing at the door, Han Li watched Li Feiyu's departing figure, lost in thought for quite some time. Suddenly, he mysteriously smiled and then happily went back inside and closed the door.

The next morning, just as dawn was breaking, Li Feiyu surreptitiously ascended Sunset Peak and quietly sneaked into Wang Juechu's room.

When Wang Juechu woke up and saw the figure standing straight at the foot of his bed, his expression turned extremely unpleasant. However, he still managed to force out a smile and asked somewhat awkwardly:

"Why has Doctor Han come? I didn't personally come to greet you, please forgive me! But weren't we supposed to meet at noon? Why did you come so early?"

Han Li gave Wang Juechu a cold glance, causing Wang Juechu's whole body to feel a chill, making him feel extremely uncomfortable. But he still forced out some smiles, asking somewhat unnaturally:

"Why has Doctor Han come? I didn't personally come to greet you, please forgive me! But weren't we supposed to meet at noon? Why did you come so early?"

Han Li looked at Wang Juechu with cold eyes, and this glance made Wang Juechu's body hairs stand on end, feeling extremely uncomfortable as if he had been cut by a knife.

After casting a glance at Wang Juechu, Han Li felt a bit smug. This glance was the special effect of using the "Heavenly Eye Technique" after some research in the past few days. It was a new application of the "Heavenly Eye Technique" he had discovered, which could spiritually intimidate ordinary people, causing them to feel anxious and uneasy, somewhat similar to the legendary martial art "Soul-Capturing Technique."

"It's nothing. I just suddenly felt that if I came in the morning, everyone's minds might be clearer, and we wouldn't do anything to upset each other." Han Li's face showed no expression, but his tone seemed a bit unfriendly.

Legend of the Cultivation God IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora