Chapter 175 Clear Void Sect

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When Han Li saw the faces of these two individuals, he sighed inwardly. It turned out to be those two disciples with similar cultivation levels as him. One looked elderly but had a cunning glint in his eyes, while the other appeared simple and innocent, like a naive youngster.

Such an unexpected pairing made Han Li wonder about their intentions. "Senior brothers, is there something you need?" Han Li asked, his tone cool and distant, hoping to deter them.

However, the old schemer seemed unfazed by Han Li's demeanor and continued warmly, "Han Junior Brother, tomorrow's journey to the forbidden grounds is perilous for those of us with limited cultivation. Why don't we discuss a strategy together to ensure our safety?"

Han Li suspected their motives and guessed their intentions. He knew they were likely trying to recruit lower-powered cultivators to form an alliance, increasing their chances of survival in the dangerous expedition.

"Sorry, I'm not accustomed to acting in concert with others. I have no such intentions this time either. If Senior Brothers wish to form alliances, you should seek others," Han Li replied candidly. He knew he had to make it clear that he wasn't a naive newcomer to deter them from persisting further. After all, there were only a few fellow disciples here, and if this Senior Brother saw even a slight possibility, he would likely continue pestering Han Li.

Having realized they had approached the wrong person, the old schemer displayed a disappointed expression and bid farewell somewhat reluctantly.

Seeing them leave in the direction of another disciple meditating on a rock, Han Li smiled faintly and turned back to observe other fellow disciples worth noting. However, this time, he noticed "Junior Sister Chen" standing beside another ordinary-looking woman, with several young men gathering around them. Han Li couldn't help but feel displeased with those individuals. Eventually, he decided to ignore them and find an empty spot to meditate and clear his mind.

Thus, the next morning, all the disciples gathered once again at the mountaintop, standing in orderly rows, awaiting the arrival of disciples from other sects.

They waited for several hours, but there was still no sign of anyone else, leaving Han Li cursing inwardly. He almost suspected that the disciples from other sects were deliberately delaying, intending to drain the energy of Yellow Maple Valley's disciples.

What bothered Han Li even more was that, coincidentally, "Junior Sister Chen" happened to stand on his right side when they arranged themselves. Her familiar fragrance occasionally wafted into his nostrils, triggering memories of that unforgettable night. To conceal his unease, Han Li lowered his head, pretending to be awkward and uneasy. He couldn't help but criticize himself for being so weak, merely because of a beautiful woman, letting himself lose composure.

Nevertheless, Han Li admired the leader at the front, Li Shizhu, who maintained a motionless posture, seemingly lost in thought or meditation.

Suddenly, the surrounding disciples became restless, as if something unusual had occurred.

Unable to resist, Han Li lifted his head.

All the disciples around him craned their necks, gazing towards the sky in one direction. Han Li followed their gaze.

In the azure sky, faint stars began to flicker and gradually enlarged. After a moment, several black dots appeared.

Underneath these black dots, silver lights shimmered, seemingly carrying the black dots from the heavens.

Witnessing this strange sight, the disciples grew increasingly agitated.

"Quiet! What's gotten into all of you! This is Clear Void Sect's flying artifact, the Snow Rainbow Silk. Don't be astonished; you're embarrassing Yellow Maple Valley," scolded a middle-aged steward with thick limbs and a stern expression, reprimanding the disciples.

His words immediately quelled the commotion, though murmurs and whispers persisted sporadically.

By now, the black dots had become clear figures—cultivators clad in gray Daoist robes, most of them authentic Daoists with dust brushes in hand and Daoist hairstyles. However, there were also a few individuals dressed in ordinary attire beneath their Daoist robes, indicating their secular background.

As Han Li observed them closely, the disciples from Clear Void Sect landed on the mountain, directly across from Yellow Maple Valley.

The leading Daoist approached Li Shizhu with a smile and said amiably, "Unexpectedly, it's Li Shizhu leading the way again. I, Monk Fuyunzi, offer my respects!" His tone suggested familiarity.

"Humph! If a stubborn old ox like you can come, why can't I?" Li Shizhu replied bluntly, hands behind his back, displaying no courtesy.

"Hehe, among our respective sects, you and I were the last to reach the Foundation Establishment Stage. It's only natural that we handle such errands. Who else would do them?" Monk Fuyunzi retorted nonchalantly, swinging his dust brush with a smile on his face.

"Old ox, your tricks are endless. You nearly fooled me last time. Don't think you can pull the same trick again!" Li Shizhu's eyes flashed with cold light, seemingly about to get angry. However, he quickly remembered something and suppressed his aura, speaking begrudgingly, "I refined a piece of iron essence for your Qing Jun Sword, enhancing its power. It took me a decade of hard work to produce it, and you still got a bargain!

His words were filled with

bitterness, evidently lamenting the loss of the so-called iron essence.

"Haha, so the renowned Li Xianzhi is so concerned about a mere piece of iron essence! Very well, I brought something else this time that surpasses that iron essence. As long as I win this bet, it can compensate for your previous loss," Monk Fuyunzi said with a smile, stroking his beard.

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