Chapter 23: Mental breakthrough

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The bottleneck that has been stuck for three years has broken through. The world in the sense of mental power is much clearer than before, and everyone is more energetic.

Why is this happening?

Bai Yue kept a shocked expression and kept turning her eyes.

I have done unusual things recently, except for crossing, only to eat the so-called attributeless crystal.

Could it be that the crystallization played a role in her?

Bai Yue held her breath and used her mental power again.

This time I could feel the spiritual tentacles faintly. The spiritual tentacles seemed to be a part of her own body, drifting into the air with consciousness.

But when it reaches ten meters away, the spiritual thread disappears.

But this is also enough to make Bai Yue ecstatic. She feels that after the spiritual thread is strong, she can be used as a hand and foot.

Depressing the joy a little, Bai Yue unfolded her spiritual senses for the third time to see if wolf and bear Nanny were present.

In just a moment, Bai Yue found out that there were no powerful orcs in the house.

In other words, Lang Zhi and Xiong Yao are not at home.

Bai Yue's joy could no longer be suppressed, and immediately stood up boldly, laughing with her hands on her hips: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...!"

As the saying goes, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings.

Now that the shoveling officer is not here, it is her family's turn to take charge of Baiyue and live freely hahahaha!

Bai Yue was suddenly full of energy, sitting on the edge of the bed, slowly sliding down, ran to the closet, and lifted the door of the closet with her hand.

There are several sets of her clothes inside, all in the shape of a wolf.

Bai Yue carefully selected for a while, and chose a set of black wolf cubs. Without worrying about wearing it, she hurried to the kitchen.

She must cut off the disturbing gloves first, and she doesn't want to fall into the toilet anymore.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, Bai Yue was embarrassed.

The stovetop had her neck high, and she couldn't reach the knife with her hand.

She looked around and wanted to move the stool, but she found that the stool was made of stone. Move! Do not! move!

After strolling around the house for several laps, Bai Yue finally found several large books weighing more than ten kilograms in the drawer, which were placed under her feet, and she finally got the knife.

Cutting off the wolf claws together, Bai Yue finally put on a jumpsuit and looked at her long-lost hands. Bai Yue felt extremely cordial.

As for those wolf claws?

She rushed into the toilet neatly to destroy the corpse.

When she came here, she hadn't known the world well. Bai Yue decided to clarify the world view first, and the history book is the first choice.

There are a lot of books in the wolf family, but they are all about the documentary of the war. Bai Yue probably read it, which is similar to her guess.

The plants and orcs here are in a hostile relationship, and the orcs’ enemies are mutant plants.

And the plants occupy most of the ground, and the orcs have only one piece of safe base. The situation is obviously not optimistic.

Bai Yue didn't take a closer look, didn't find the history book, she turned on the computer.

Fortunately, she paid special attention to the booting method of Lang Zhi yesterday. After groping for a while, she successfully booted the computer.

However, after turning on the computer, the pit father even checked the fingerprint.

A good computer, because the fingerprint verification failed, instantly switched to stand-alone mode, simply can not connect to the network, nor can it read any files.

The only thing you can do is listen to music and play stand-alone games.

Bai Yue: "..." does not bring such a pitman.

"Hey! Stand alone, let's listen to the song first." Bai Yue whispered to her head and opened a song.


A loud wolf howl spread from the speaker.

The Future Beast World: The Wife You Bought, can't Bear CubsWhere stories live. Discover now