Chapter 198: Win

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The flames on Lang Yan's body are blown away by the violent wind, and fluttered into the air with the wind, blending with the wind, forming a fire tornado.

His silver hair is burning wildly, and his handsome face is filled with pain. A slack, let the lion's mouth in his hand escape.

Shi Quan receded again and again, and his mouth dropped a spot of blood in the air.

The flaming wolf turned into a beast shape, kicked violently on the hind legs, forcibly broke through the tornado's imprisonment, and landed in a safe place.

The fire tornado illuminates countless beast heads around, and the flame wolf has been surrounded by groups.

The beast army on the side of the flaming wolf also rushed over. Fenghu held Bai Yue with one arm and rushed to the forefront.

Seeing the scene over there, Bai Yue is very worried and asked for help to Bai Gu Teng: [Qiuqiu, help him!]

The white bone vine attached to a big tree and glanced at Bai Yue.

Lang Yan stand calmly in the encirclement circle, watching six directions and listening to all directions.

These orcs are severely shocked by Lang Yan just now, and they dared not attack for a while.

Shi Quan's mouth is full of blood. He closed his disjointed mouth with his claws, but it would fall off once if it is released.

With the help of an orc, Shi Quan tied his mouth with a cloth strip so that he could move freely.

Shi Quan could not close the battle, nor dared to fight the fire wolf anymore. He raised wind energy and attacked the fire wolf.

Under his gesture, the beasts surrounding Lang Yan also rushed up.


A strong flame burst out of Lang Yan's body, and he is about to blaze a trail of blood.

Suddenly, the surrounding plants that are supposed to be active during the day suddenly came to life.

"Wow, wow--"

The branches and leaves stretched, tripping over the undefended orcs in the rush, roots are drilled in the soil, and the prey is immediately brought into the soil;

The weeds on the ground have also become aggressive, do their best to entangle the stepped feet, and drag to their roots;

The parasitic vines that lived on the tree trunk also became active, and the vines swam around.

The orcs who rushing to Lang Yan got crashed and fell to the ground within a second or two. The orcs who are lucky not to be attacked by plants are not much better, and rushing to Lang Yan alone is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg.

Shu Quan stand still and is not attacked by plants.

His eyes widened in shock, and he hurriedly avoided the large plants, believing in his heart that this must be a trap set by Langzhi.

Shi Quan is very hateful, and they all say that the fox is cunning. It seems that the wolf beast is more cunning than the fox.

Lang Yan's shock is no less than that of the Shi Quan. The reaction immediately killed several orcs that are thrown to death, then rushed into the enemy army and killed them on the spot.

The two armies met and started a group battle, an unfair group battle.

The army brought by Shi Quan is indeed an elite. There are not only his men here, but also the strong men borrowed from the capital, which are annihilating the city of exile.

It may be successful in peacetime, but this time the battle between the leaders of the two armies, Shi Quan is defeated. The battle of the beasts, the ground environment also fell, and it is destined to end in a fiasco.

The battle situation showed its advantages and disadvantages from the beginning, and then the battle situation developed in a one-sided manner.

Seeing bad things, Shi Quan quietly hid his figure and turned around to leave.

Lang Yan had paid attention to Shi Quan all the time, and is the first to discover his disappearance, and immediately followed the smell to catch up.

Shi Quan is a wind power, and its speed is naturally far higher than that Lang Yan.

Seeing Shi Quan is running further and further away, Lang Yan looked back at Fenghu's direction, and at last he did call.


A white shadow flashed quickly, and Fenghu came instantly.

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