Chapter 32

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The fog wrapped around the designated driver from head to toe, and when it dispersed, the stranger's face transformed into the beautifully sinister visage of Chi You.

Jiang Luo took a drag of his cigarette, his eyes squinting slightly, a fleeting smile flashing across his lips. The smoke veiled his amusement, unnoticed by the demon.

Since the moment Chi You had inadvertently barged into his bathroom door, leading to a supposed "drowning" the day before, Jiang Luo had surmised Chi You would make an appearance soon. He had planned to lure Chi You out with a scheme, but to his surprise, Chi You showed up on his doorstep uninvited.

Perhaps tonight, he could finally activate the Yin-Yang Circle.

Jiang Luo feigned a frown, expressing his disdain, "You again?"

Such an expression silently amused the demon.

On Jiang Luo's face, too beautiful to be mortal, the expression of disgust was strikingly beautiful. The more he showed fear and loathing, the more the demon felt a perverse, addictive delight in his brutality.

The car glided smoothly through the night.

With fewer vehicles than during the day, the demon, dressed to kill, drove with the skill of a true professional. Except for his outstanding appearance, his driving was textbook perfect.

"Didn't you say you wanted to see me, Jiang?"

The demon spoke leisurely.

He was wearing the clothes Jiang Luo had burned before. The black suit was without a wrinkle, meticulous from the legs to the cuffs, perfect to the point of disbelief for a ghost. The gem-red cufflinks twinkled with a dark light, and the tie pin, shaped like a rose, bore a subtle silver pattern that appeared and faded on the suit like the tide, in tune with his movements.

Dressed to the nines, he was like attending a grand date with death itself.

Even Jiang Luo, whose admiration had turned to hatred, had to admit the demon's appearance was dangerously deceptive. He embodied many unknown mysteries, tempting to explore, but one misstep could lead to a fatal end with no burial ground.

However, Jiang Luo could no longer appreciate such charm, for in his eyes, the demon was nothing but detestable.

"Chi You," Jiang Luo said, "can't you even understand sarcasm?"

The demon laughed, his pale fingers tapping on the steering wheel, clearly in a good mood, "I heard you tried to drown yourself for me last night. Isn't that too simple a death?"

Jiang Luo smirked in response, "Then what kind of death would you consider complex?"

His smile carried a challenge, mocking the well-dressed demon, "Like you, killed without a sound?"

A palpable tension erupted in the confined space of the car, the music switching to the next song.

The lively and intense melody of "Who Killed the Mockingbird" crescendoed in sync with the accelerating speed of the car, as if it was on a highway to hell.

The young man with black hair watched the rapidly passing scenery outside, his eyes growing brighter. The dim streetlights cast fleeting shadows on his face, highlighting his raised lips.

The demon glanced at him sideways, resting on the steering wheel, his tone ambiguous, "You seem quite happy."

Dragging out his words, the demon asked, "Is it because you destroyed my puppet, or because you're about to be granted death by me?"

Jiang Luo finished his last puff of cigarette, extinguishing the butt, and said lazily, "If I'm to die, then let it be. Why all the chatter?"

The demon: "Aren't you afraid?"

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