Chapter 39

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Leaning back, Jiang Luo folded his arms and watched Qi Ye, "You said that before the second round of the competition as well."

Qi Ye's expression stiffened, his handsome face struggling to maintain composure, "But I will definitely be the first in the third round."

"There will be no hints for the top three in the third round," Qi Ye earnestly said, "We are at the same starting point, Jiang Luo, I will not lose to you."

Jiang Luo smiled, "But I also want to be the first."

Hearing this, Qi Ye actually smiled satisfactorily, "Are you finally planning to take it seriously?"

Lu Youyi turned his head from the front row, curiously asking, "Qi Ye, did you transfer schools just for Jiang Luo?"

A flash of discomfort crossed Qi Ye's face, "I just wanted to experience what going to school feels like."

Jiang Luo raised an eyebrow, "You've never been to school before?"

"I attended a regular university, not majoring in Natural Sciences and Social Studies," Qi Ye's gaze inadvertently drifted while looking at Jiang Luo's face, "I studied these subjects at home before."

Lu Youyi was delighted, "So, you might end up being the last?"

"How could that be," Ye Xun retorted with a sharp tongue, "Lu Youyi, Qi Ye is better than you."

Lu Youyi said, "But I ranked above Qi Ye in the last two rounds."

Qi Ye: "..."

He took a deep breath, feeling aggrieved but unable to refute since Lu Youyi was stating facts.

Wen Renlian laughed, "Let's go have dinner together tonight."

Class ended at six in the afternoon, and a group went to the restaurant for dinner. Wen Renlian and Jiang Luo were walking at the back, Wen Renlian whispered, "Qi Ye has been well protected by the Qi family."

Jiang Luo nodded, "He seems impatient but quite naive."

"He's also very talented," Wen Renlian glanced at Qi Ye ahead of them and smiled, "And handsome."

As they were passing a basketball court, a basketball flew towards them, heading straight for Jiang Luo. Qi Ye stepped back two steps in time to catch the basketball, frowning and yelled, "Don't you watch where you're playing?"

Kicking the basketball back, Qi Ye sent it flying straight to the other end of the court.

After watching the basketball sail away, Qi Ye turned back to look at Jiang Luo, "Are you alright?"

Jiang Luo chuckled, "The basketball didn't even touch me."

Wen Renlian's gaze swept over them, his smile deepening. He quickened his pace to catch up with Zhuo Zhongqiu, "What do you think of Qi Ye?"

Zhuo Zhongqiu glanced back and critiqued, "He's okay, I guess. Not a great temper, though."

Wen Renlian spoke calmly, "Then let's consider him as an option."

As a potential new love interest for Jiang Luo, Qi Ye quite fit the bill.

But compared to Chi You, there was still a significant gap. They were unsure if Jiang Luo would fancy someone like Qi Ye, especially since Chi You epitomized the gentle gentleman.

At dinner, Qi Ye naturally sat next to Jiang Luo. As soon as he did, everyone else stared straight at him, causing him to shiver, "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Ye Xun asked, "Qi Ye, have you ever been in a relationship?"

Qi Ye, with a stern face, replied, "No, not interested."

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