Chapter 125

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The rejection from the three senior members of the Chi family towards Chi You seemed quite displeasing.

"This is what your direct lineage should do – helping the family deal with malevolent entities is your responsibility!"

"You're only eighteen; what are you afraid of with that ghost mark? Even if it backlashes, you won't die now. Hurry up and act!"

"What kind of expression is that!"

One of the seniors exclaimed in fear.

Chi You withdrew his gaze and walked slowly to the side of the ghost in red. Jiang Luo peeked and saw Chi You placing his hand on the red-clothed female ghost. The ghost mark extended from his neck to his arm, then from the back of his hand to his fingertips.

As the ghost mark approached the female ghost, her screams became more piercing. The black ghost mark detached from Chi You's body, engulfing the red-clothed female ghost like viscous black liquid.

The red-clothed female ghost screamed in horror, her cries almost piercing Jiang Luo's eardrums. She was lifted into the air, disappearing bit by bit into the ghost mark, from her upper body to her abdomen.

The Chi family seniors showed relief, nodding, "That's the way."

But as they spoke, a ghost infant suddenly squeezed out from the female ghost's belly, a bloody and blurry mass that fell to the ground. Before the Chi family elders could react, it bounced up and fiercely bit someone's neck!

The bitten elder screamed in pain, "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He desperately tried to pull the ghost infant off his neck. Face turning blue from choking, the ghost infant clung tenaciously, hands and legs wrapped around his neck as if it were a part of him. The frightened elder looked at the other two, "Come and save me!"

But the other two had already hidden, trembling with fear.

The elder's face instantly darkened. Under the threat of death, he forcefully pulled off the ghost embryo from his neck, inadvertently tearing a piece of his flesh. He winced in pain, unable to speak as his damaged vocal cords failed him, eventually collapsing to the ground.

Chi You smirked strangely.

After the murder, the ghost infant's hollow eyes locked onto the other two. Seeing the approaching threat, the two elders trembled. The ghost infant jumped onto the ceiling, charging towards them.

The ghost infant had a strong bouncing ability, leaping around the walls and ceiling, occasionally swooping down to bite and attack. In no time, the remaining two elders were covered in wounds, bleeding profusely and convulsing on the ground.

Watching them nearing death, Chi You finally fully consumed the female ghost. He then approached and engulfed the attacking ghost infants in the ghost mark. After completing everything, Chi You, pale-faced, coughed, "Since there's nothing else to do, I'll go back to rest."

The elderly Chi family members lying on the ground, soaked in blood, stared at him with blood-covered eyes, fingers trembling, urging him to save them.

Chi You looked at them, his eyes glinting slightly, gently saying, "Don't worry, I'll call someone to save you. I won't let you die."

"How could you die?" He turned away, exiting the shrine, and cheerfully added, "How could you die at the hands of others."

After Chi You's figure disappeared, Jiang Luo silently slipped into the shrine.

The three elders were almost out of breath, blood pooling beneath them. Two had fainted, leaving only one conscious. When Jiang Luo approached him, the elderly Chi family member noticed someone coming. Hope for survival flickered in his eyes, but in the next moment, the intruder squatted down in front of him, precisely grabbing his neck.

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