Chapter 21

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After reading through the messages, Jiang Luo carefully restored the scroll to its original state and placed it back in the cabinet.

From her academic performance and teachers' comments, Fu Yuan'er was the model child in the eyes of parents and the well-behaved student in the eyes of teachers. Such a good girl, who always listened to her teachers and parents, returned to the dormitory before curfew, did not date or play with her phone, and generally did not do things she was told not to do.

Although this meant she was somewhat restrained, it at least helped her avoid many dangers.

Changqing High School is a boarding school, and boarding schools generally have stricter management over students, especially in terms of students' movements and safety. One can never be too careful.

Under such circumstances, Fu Yuan'er's disappearance was inseparably linked to the construction work happening at the time.

During the school's expansion, strangers would come and go within the school grounds. These workers were busy, and the school was frazzled with the construction, allowing some people to take advantage and do things normally prohibited at the school.

Because everyone was busy, these violations mostly went undetected.

"Have you noticed?" Jiang Luo pondered slowly, repeating what the staff said before the game started, "We have three tasks: the first is to find the missing girl, the second is to find the cause of a worker's death, and the third is to figure out what happened back then."

"The first one is odd," Jiang Luo stopped, exchanging looks with Zhuo Zhongqiu and Ye Xun, "'Find' the missing girl."

"That means the girl is still here at this school," Zhuo Zhongqiu realized.

There was something she didn't say, but everyone understood.

What they were looking for was very likely the girl's body.

"The teacher of Senior Year Class 4 from that year is still teaching at Changqing High School," Ye Xun said calmly, "Let's go ask them."

The teachers who taught Senior Year in 2012 are coincidentally teaching Senior Year this year as well. They moved from the dormitory area to the teaching area, just in time for a class taught by one of the teachers from that year to end.

Jiang Luo and his companions waited at the back door of the classroom. The students inside noticed them, sneaking peeks and whispering among themselves.

The teacher above said, "Quiet."

The students below gradually quieted down.

The teacher, a man in his early thirties, still handsome and fit, seemingly keeping up with fitness, was teaching the class.

The students clearly liked him, with a few girls even subconsciously fixing their hair.

Jiang Luo paused, suddenly taking out his phone and pulling up Fu Yuan'er's photo.

He zoomed in on Fu Yuan'er's photo with his fingers, Ye Xun curiously asked, "Jiang Luo, what are you looking at?"

Jiang Luo's fingers glided over Fu Yuan'er's hair, then to her lips, and finally to the necklace around her neck. "Doesn't she look like she's in love?"

"Or maybe she has someone she likes and wants to show her best side to," Jiang Luo murmured. "Her bangs are neat, just above her eyebrows, probably just cut, but students in boarding schools have to wait until the end of the month to get a haircut. She's not wearing colored lipstick, but judging by the gloss on her lips, she must have applied lip balm."

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