Chapter 89

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Jiang Luo successfully deceived everyone at the banquet using two crown cards.

Initially, he revealed the identities of Lu Youyi and Ge Zhu as masters, making others wary of provoking Lu Youyi, who seemed to be a commoner. He then arranged for them to act as protectors for two of their companions, pretending they were their slaves, while Jiang Luo himself took Lu Youyi's crown card, leaving the one Ge Zhu had for the use of the remaining three.

At this point, it made it seem like these individuals were complete strangers to each other, with no prior acquaintance. It was unthinkable for the rich and poor to swap cards, or for the rich to forfeit their cards for the benefit of the poor.

In this shadowy game, each person was solely focused on their own safety, giving little thought to the well-being of others, especially those they had no connection with.

However, Jiang Luo's ultimate scheme had now come to fruition. He could also lend his crown card to someone else.

The absence of explicit prohibitions against this act on the wall implied that if it wasn't explicitly forbidden, then it was allowed, right?

The demon scrutinized the crown card before him, the odd dissonance he had felt earlier finally dissipating.

He understood in a moment of clarity, realizing the card had been waiting for him.

The young man with black hair, his fingers sleek and tidy, lightly touched the gem at the crown's tip.

With a mischievous grin, he stated, "I've presented you with a choice."

"But our deputy, Mr.," he continued with a shoulder shrug and a tone of regret, "prefers to follow his own path," admiringly clapping, "I find your relentless bravery truly admirable."

To the ears of the crowd, the statement sounded as if it were saying, "Your foolishness astounds me," which triggered a wave of hearty laughter.

The demon, too, began to smile slowly, his lips curling upwards, "What to do, I'm a bit scared now."

Despite claiming to be scared, his demeanor clearly showed not a hint of fear.

Jiang Luo, with a smile, put the card back into his pocket and turned to say, "Let's go, Mr. Slave."

Feigning ignorance, the demon asked, "Go where?"

The young man with black hair looked back at him, drawing out his words, "To the stage, of course, to discipline you—my slave."

Chi You stepped elegantly, following him.

As they were about to reach the stage, a fat noblewoman in a tight red dress blocked Jiang Luo's path. Her body fat squeezed into rolls by the dress, she ogled the blond, blue-eyed man now a slave, with a face heavily made up, "Sir, give your slave to me, name your price."

Jiang Luo raised an eyebrow, nearly bursting into laughter. Holding back, he turned, pulling Chi You by the tie closer to him, "Madam, are you referring to him?"

The tie was pulled a bit too forcefully, loosening the collar to reveal a small patch of firm skin. The noblewoman fixated on this glimpse of collar, swallowed hard, and decisively offered, "I'll give you a seven-figure sum."

Jiang Luo couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, shaking with mirth, his hand trembling as he held Chi You's tie. Strands of hair stuck to the demon's pristine white first mate's uniform, as if meticulously drawn exquisite patterns.

"A seven-figure sum, who would have thought you'd be worth that much."

The malevolent spirit seemed indifferent to the black-haired youth's derision, casting a reluctant glance over Jiang Luo. However, his gaze turned dreadfully intimidating upon setting eyes on the lady of high status.

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