Chapter 56

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During their conversation, Seylor fell asleep again.

This time, Jiang Luo didn't wake him up. He signaled others to stop talking, quietly returning to his chair, continuing to fish by the lake.

Three hours later, Seylor finally woke up again.

The sky had turned dark, and the moon hung on the branches. Seylor blinked slowly, his gaze dull. Seeing him awake, Jiang Luo didn't say much. Instead, he returned the fish from the bucket to the lake, saying, "Let's go, time for dinner."

Seylor finally gained some energy, but after eating, his head gradually drooped, seemingly about to fall asleep again.

Jiang Luo felt a bit mentally exhausted at this point.

Anything strange happening around him made him wonder if it was related to Chi You. Thinking of Chi You, he felt a twitch in his eyelids, worrying that this might be another trap set by Chi You. Jiang Luo spoke directly, "Seylor doesn't seem right. After he falls asleep tonight, let's stay by his side and see what's going on."

No one objected to his words. That night, Seylor lay in bed covered with a blanket, and they gathered around playing cards.

The curly-haired blonde boy wanted to join them, but after lying in bed for a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

Nothing happened in the first half of the night. Past 2 AM, the alert ones started succumbing to drowsiness one by one. Jiang Luo's eyelids felt heavy, and sudden, intense drowsiness struck.

Sensing something wrong, Jiang Luo resisted the unexpected drowsiness, pinching himself hard. The pain brought back some clarity.

At that moment, he saw a figure passing in front of him.

With his will still somewhat blurry, Jiang Luo decisively bit his tongue again. The taste of blood hit him, and he forcefully opened his eyes.

Seylor got up from the bed, his expression vacant as he walked past them, like a lifeless corpse, disappearing outside the door.

Jiang Luo tried to wake up several others, but they were deep in slumber. Not wanting to waste time, he grabbed his belongings and quietly followed.

Outside, a misty white fog had risen.

At 2 AM, the moonlight was pale. Seylor walked out of the hot spring estate, heading towards a nearby mountain village.

Jiang Luo followed silently, the surrounding mist growing thicker. Seylor's figure became a dark shadow in the fog. After an unknown duration, another black figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the mist.

Approaching Seylor, the shadow seemed unnoticed by him as he continued walking straight. It wasn't until the shadow placed something in his hands that Seylor seemed to snap out of it, letting out a short "Ah."

Jiang Luo patiently waited; he calmly assessed that it wasn't yet the critical moment for him to intervene.

As the white fog gradually dispersed, Seylor held a long iron chain in his hands, and it hung down to the ground, thick as a baby's arm.

Seylor's voice sounded almost on the verge of tears, "I don't want this thing."

The tall, slender shadow said, "Master Seylor, since you have taken the position, you must fulfill your duties. This item is your weapon, and there's always such a ritual. Rest assured, there's no need to fear. As long as you perform your duties on time, I will ensure you receive timely rewards."

The blonde boy remained silent for a while before tearfully saying, "I don't understand what you're saying QAQ."

The tall, slender shadow: "..."

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