Chapter 108

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The funeral shop owner decided to quit. "I'll teach your apprentice spiritual communication, but he won't be my disciple. I won't do it," he declared.

Feng Li raised his eyes from the teacup, "If you're unwilling, then be prepared for 'spiritual arts' to disappear."

The funeral shop owner remained silent for a while before sighing, "Why do you think he's suitable for spiritual communication?"

"He has a unique constitution, balanced between yin and yang. Despite not having inherent yin, dark entities are drawn to him," Feng Li explained. "It's a rare blend of energies. Haven't you noticed his special condition?"

The funeral shop owner, nonchalant, responded, "My perception isn't as keen as yours, and I've only seen your disciple a few times. It's normal not to notice."

Jiang Luo glanced at the funeral shop owner, who was clearly bluffing. Despite praising his unusual constitution when attempting to activate the yin-yang circle, the funeral shop owner was now pretending ignorance.

Why lie? Wasn't he afraid Jiang Luo would expose him?

Observing Jiang Luo's silence, the funeral shop owner maintained his composure. Jiang Luo chose not to expose the lie, quietly listening to their conversation.

Interesting. The funeral shop owner had secrets.

Feng Li proposed, "Take him to the hospital graveyard; you'll see. Such talent shouldn't be wasted. Ji Yaotzi, will you teach him?"

The funeral shop owner, unfazed, replied, "It's not as simple as deciding to teach. I'll assess his abilities before making a decision."

Feng Li nodded, setting down his teacup.

The funeral shop owner turned to Jiang Luo, asking, "Do you know what 'spiritual arts' involve?"

Jiang Luo respectfully replied, "Disciple is unaware."

The funeral shop owner elaborated, "Understand this: 'spiritual arts' involve more than dealing with the deceased."

Jiang Luo thought of the dark energy he encountered at the 129 Hotel, feeling the lingering emotions of the landlady. Was spiritual arts similar to this, like possession but not quite?

The funeral shop owner nodded and shook his head, "To say it like that is too narrow."

Jiang Luo humbly inquired, "Please enlighten me."

"All things have spirits, not just dealings with the deceased," the funeral shop owner said, changing the topic. "To learn spiritual arts, maintaining purity is crucial. If you invite benevolent spirits, they'll be drawn to your pure body and aid you in critical moments. However, if you've lost your purity, only malevolent spirits will come. Invite them, and you risk being controlled, harmed, or even killed."

From the first sentence, Jiang Luo tensed imperceptibly.

Unaware of his discomfort, Feng Li asserted, "He is still pure."

The funeral shop owner scrutinized Jiang Luo, commenting, "With looks like that, no girlfriend or boyfriend?"

Jiang Luo, crafting a script in his mind, gradually adopted a demeaning expression, his eyes turning red.

If he resisted now, he would only harm himself later. It was better to confess now.

Jiang Luo doubted Feng Li. He didn't believe he was crucial enough for Feng Li to oppose the Qi and Chi families for his sake.

The undeniable truth stood before them. As Feng Li's disciple, Jiang Luo faced threats from the Qi and Chi families. The fact that the Chi family drugged him indicated either Feng Li's approval, thinking Jiang Luo wouldn't retaliate, or a lack of fear towards Feng Li.

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