Chapter 156

206 11 1

Jiang Luo had no means of self-defense now, and when an ordinary person faces such eerie situations, the only solution seems to be to rush out the door.

He turned his head towards the door.

The person outside seemed to know what he was thinking; they had stopped knocking and appeared to have left. Yet, the silence beyond the door felt more like a trap tempting him to open it. Cautiously, Jiang Luo approached the door, once again peering outside through the peephole.

Still, it was pitch black outside.

So dark that you couldn't see your own hand.

The phone inside the room rang loudly; logically, the motion sensor lights in the corridor should have illuminated, but it remained pitch black.

Jiang Luo stepped away from the door, standing between the door and the bed.

Danger outside the door, danger under the bed. However, whatever lurked under the bed seemed to be warning him not to open the door. Comparing the two, whatever was outside the door appeared to be more perilous.

Jiang Luo had no intention of going out.

Glancing at the wall clock, it was now five thirteen; his "husband" would return in forty-seven minutes.

But was his "husband" a man or a ghost?

Jiang Luo glanced towards the bathroom, contemplating if he could hide there to buy some time.

However, as he looked, he noticed a small black dot in the shattered mirror, seemingly existing within the mirror's surface under the harsh white light.

Afraid of misinterpreting, he closed his eyes, focused, and squinted at the mirror. The black dot grew slightly larger; this time, Jiang Luo could vaguely see that it was a person's silhouette.

Jiang Luo: "..."

So, there's something in the mirror too?

The entity in the mirror slowly approached; if it became large enough, would it break through the mirror and crawl out?

Well, the bathroom was off-limits now.

Expressionless, Jiang Luo briskly walked up, forcefully closing the bathroom door and locking it.

After doing this, his phone vibrated again. Jiang Luo opened it, finding an unread message.

Another photo of him, this time closing the bathroom door, and the angle was closer. The accompanying message: [Open the door!!! Open the door!!!]

Jiang Luo regretted calling the front desk; he sighed, exited the message, found his phone's camera, switched on the flashlight mode, and cautiously extended the phone under the door crack.

After quickly taking a photo, Jiang Luo swiftly pulled back his phone. Opening the gallery, the phone's gallery updated with a slight delay, and two seconds later, the recently taken photo refreshed.

In the photo, a person was in the well-lit corridor, leaning against Jiang Luo's door. However, he lowered his head, curiously staring at Jiang Luo's phone. His head strangely elongated to a terrifying length, bent over his neck, touching the floor near the phone. His face occupied two-thirds of the frame, his eyes staring intensely at the camera, as if making eye contact with Jiang Luo through the lens.

The person's eyes were entirely black, lacking any trace of white.

Jiang Luo instantly understood; what he saw leaning on the peephole wasn't the darkness of the corridor but the eyes of this person.

Goosebumps erupted across his body, a surge of electricity flowing from his spine to his scalp. After the instinctive shiver, Jiang Luo's lips curled up, "Quite thrilling, isn't it..."

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