Chapter 94

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At nine in the evening, inside the communication room.

When Jiang Luo arrived, only Daniel was present in the communication room. The young man absentmindedly tinkered with the equipment in front of him. Upon hearing footsteps, he immediately turned and greeted with excitement, "Sir, you're here."

Jiang Luo, now in different attire, took off his coat and draped it over his arm, walking over to sit beside Daniel. He casually rested his head, black hair flowing like water onto the table, his eyes seemingly holding glimmers of shattered silver, a smile playing on his lips. "Good evening."

Daniel's face blushed slightly, "Good evening."

Uncomfortable in Jiang Luo's presence, Daniel proceeded to introduce the various equipment in the communication room. Though detailed in his explanations, Daniel's eyes kept sneaking glances at Jiang Luo. Unperturbed, Jiang Luo attempted to discreetly establish contact with the signal from the police boats. However, he noticed Daniel constantly wiping his mouth in his direction.

Jiang Luo knew he was handsome, but it wasn't to the extent of making someone salivate.

Turning his head nonchalantly, he asked, "Daniel, until what time are you on duty?"

Daniel, holding a cup, nervously drank water under Jiang Luo's gaze. "I'm on duty until midnight, sir. Are you tired?"

Jiang Luo felt Daniel's gaze wandering over his arms and neck, tried lifting his hand revealing smooth, firm skin bathed in a cold jade-like light. Daniel swallowed, staring intently at Jiang Luo's arm, looking rather hungry.

In the short time Jiang Luo spent in the communication room, Daniel had nearly finished a large cup of water. Glancing at Daniel's cup, he asked, "Are you very thirsty?"

Daniel sheepishly smiled, "Yes."

Casually putting on his coat, Jiang Luo temporarily abandoned the radio. "It's getting late, and I am a bit tired. Daniel, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow."

Daniel showed a reluctant expression, attempting to detain him. "Sir, please stay a little longer."

Without waiting for Jiang Luo's response, Daniel hurriedly excused himself, "I'll get some water... Sir, could you wait for me to come back?"

It was like being handed food when hungry. Unexpectedly, Jiang Luo agreed with a raised eyebrow. As Daniel passed by, the communication equipment was activated. However, all attempts to connect were met with a busy signal. How could this happen? Jiang Luo leaned forward, discovering that all the plug wires had been unplugged.

His face darkened, and with a stern expression, he left the communication room.

On both sides of the communication room were rows of workspaces and a dormitory for on-duty personnel.

Passing by the dormitory, Jiang Luo noticed the door was not completely closed, revealing a crack.

Inside the crack, darkness enveloped the room, and a familiar fishy smell wafted out, capturing Jiang Luo's attention. He peered into the dormitory, hearing rhythmic snoring. Frowning, he quietly entered the room.

Only one person was sleeping on the upper bunk in the dormitory.

After a few seconds, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, revealing the room's layout. Two bunk beds were against the left wall. On the right wall, two desks with dimly lit lamps and a diary were visible under the faint moonlight.

The sleeping person was on the upper bunk near the door, wrapped in a blanket from head to toe, loud snores echoing through the room.

Jiang Luo tiptoed to the desk, flipping open the diary.

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