Chapter 157

211 13 3

Through the phone, the knocking sounds from both sides of the Jiang Luo and Lu Youyi gradually overlapped.

Lu Youyi swallowed nervously, "Jiang Luo, what should I do? Maybe I should call the police..."

Even though Jiang Luo doubted the effectiveness of calling the police, he encouraged, "Give it a try."

Lu Youyi closed the video to make the call. After half a minute, he sent a video request to Jiang Luo again, looking blank, "Jiang Luo, I can't get through to the police!"

This was within Jiang Luo's expectations, and he said, "Do you have anything for self-defense in your room?"

Lu Youyi quickly searched the room, but to his despair, there was nothing for self-defense in this small motel. The only thing that could be considered a "weapon" was the comb he had just combed his hair with.

He walked heavily back to the bathroom, picked up the clothes rod, and was about to say something to Jiang Luo when, in passing, he noticed something squirming in the drain.

Fear and curiosity compelled him to take a closer look, and he gasped as he saw human tissue washed down there crawling into the sewage.

Lu Youyi cursed under his breath, took two or three steps back from the bathroom, and shut the door heavily, his face mournful, "Jiang Luo, did you see that?"

"I saw it," Jiang Luo's expression was complicated, unsure whether to pity or revel in his misfortune, "The meaning of the note on your bedside table is probably that if you can't clear the sewer, the bodies in the sewer will turn into ghosts."

"Damn it!" Lu Youyi complained, "Caught in a pincer attack."

"You're already quite lucky," Jiang Luo turned his camera around his room, "I have one at my door, one under the bed, and one in the bathroom too."

For a moment, Lu Youyi felt comforted by the conversation, showing a sympathetic expression, suddenly feeling that his situation wasn't that bad.

While talking, Jiang Luo glimpsed a dark figure moving in the bathroom.

The shadow went from shallow to deep, slowly approaching the frosted glass door. It reached out and scratched the glass door forcefully, making a sharp, eerie sound like a cat or dog scratching at the door.

It was the ghostly figure from the mirror. It had already walked out of the mirror and was about to step out of the bathroom door.

Meanwhile, outside the door, the long-necked ghost seemed to sense something. Its knocking transformed into pounding, growing faster and heavier. The entire room seemed to vibrate along with the force on the door.

Jiang Luo's phone vibrated continuously for over a dozen times.

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!!"


Ten minutes later, everything calmed down.

The knocking outside suddenly changed into a different sound. A man's voice said, "Jiang Luo, I'm back."

It was the "husband" from his dreams.

Jiang Luo let out a sigh of relief, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Wiping off the sweat, he combed his hair, and, finding nothing unusual, approached the door to look outside.

The man outside was very close, tall enough that only the collar area was visible through the peephole.

The "husband" outside knocked on the door again, his voice getting louder, "Jiang Luo?"

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