Chapter 81

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In a deserted corner, Chi You faced a blank wall, his expression dark and grim.

His breathing was rapid. His desire, on the verge of fulfillment, was abruptly interrupted at the last moment. The simmering fury within him, already at its peak, suddenly flared as if doused with hot oil, turning his eyes a faint crimson. The wall he pressed against cracked open, fissures spreading across its entire surface.

His thwarted desire became even more intense and urgent.

Chi You's black mist roiled fiercely, and the ghostly patterns on his body wreaked havoc.

With a terrifying and malevolent appearance, his expression was sinister and grim. After a while, Chi You smoothed out his expression, stepping out from the black mist and slowly straightening his clothes.

His disheveled tie was restored, and the footprints kicked onto him were brushed off one by one. Chi You, taking his time, hooked a smile. If not for the coldness in his eyes, he would seem utterly pleased.

He arrived at his room at Baihua University.

The door had been fitted with a new lock. A large golden lock hung beside the door, which the evil spirit broke into two with a gentle squeeze, dropping the pieces to the ground.

Chi You entered the room and after a glance around, his gaze settled on the coffee table. Covered by a cloth, he lifted it to find a god's heart and a Yuan Tian Pearl beneath.

Thanks to the room's Feng Shui layout, no greedy ghosts or spirits had been attracted to steal them.

Chi You reached out, but hesitated just before touching the items.

Was it possible that Jiang Luo had forgotten about these significant items being left here so carelessly?

Chi You doubted it.

He paused in front of the coffee table, looking closely around it. After a moment, he chuckled, "I see."

Beneath the carpet under the coffee table, there was a pattern forming a secret formation. Looking up, Chi You noticed that the ceiling was also lined with a five-element formation using red threads.

Chi You walked to the edge of the carpet and lifted a corner, only to find that beneath the carpet were layers upon layers of yellow talismans, each stuck closely to the next.

The cinnabar on the talismans was a fresh red, written with chicken blood mixed with materials for exorcising evil spirits.

"How ruthless," Chi You remarked once again.

With a forceful flip, he revealed that the entire area of the carpet covering half the living room was covered with identical talismans.

Even in his lifetime, Chi You would not dare to play with talismans in such a manner.

A person's energy is very limited. To have so many talismans, even a master proficient in writing talismans could not produce this many in a lifetime.

Chi You mused, "This is really…"

He stood up, unable to suppress a laugh, "Scary."

Had he not discovered them, he feared that taking the god statue's heart and the Yuan Tian Pearl would have triggered the formation. The Five Elements Formation would have trapped him in place, and the formation under the carpet would activate all the talismans, creating an explosion right where he stood. Even if Chi You would not die, he would at least be severely injured.

Using a cold wind, Chi You swept the talismans aside, then proceeded to take the heart and the Yuan Tian Pearl. But as soon as he touched them, he felt a burning sensation, with heat radiating from the palm of his hand. The sizzle of his skin being seared, accompanied by the smell of burning flesh, turned Chi You's hand into a charred mess in an instant.

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