Chapter 52

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After Jiang Luo threw a punch, his expression froze instantly. It felt as though he had punched a rock; the rock didn't feel a thing, but he was almost in agony. Jiang Luo's brow twitched as he forcibly suppressed the pain. Maintaining his composure, he withdrew his hand and then fiercely kicked Chi You in the abdomen.

Chi You's back slammed into the coffin lid, emitting a dull, heavy thud. The music outside abruptly ceased, and the coffin stopped shaking. The vengeful spirit inside let out a muffled laugh that grew louder and louder. Jiang Luo, pinning Chi You down, forced open the coffin lid with the Tiger Seal and stylishly flipped out of the coffin.

Outside, the ghosts in red bridal attire were nowhere to be seen. He immediately turned around, ready to close the coffin lid.

"Mr. Chi," he said with a feigned smile, looking at the vengeful spirit in the coffin, "enjoy finding your heart in there by yourself."

As the lid was about to close, leaving just a sliver of a gap, the vengeful spirit, previously leaning against the coffin, had somehow changed position. He lay elegantly inside the coffin, hands resting on his abdomen.

The lid gradually covered his eerily smiling lips and deep, dark eyes. With a "click," the coffin was sealed tight.

Jiang Luo affixed dozens of talismans on the coffin lid. Looking around, he saw no ghosts, but the fog was dense, and visibility was reduced to less than five meters. The bridal sedan chair was parked right next to the coffin, and apart from a stream, it was hard to tell where they were.

Jiang Luo patted the Tiger Seal, glanced at the coffin, and suddenly smirked, "Hit it."

The Tiger Seal yawned, opened its jaws wide, backed up a few steps, gathered strength in its paws, and then fiercely charged at the coffin.

The coffin was abruptly knocked over, rolling into the stream. As the coffin was carried away by the water, Jiang Luo stood there, laughing heartily, "Bon voyage, teacher."


A monk stopped the drifting coffin. The bald monk, with a face as serene as a painting, leisurely removed the talismans from the coffin. The next moment, Chi You pushed open the lid and sat up gracefully.

Ge Wuchen sighed, "Master, you called me here just for this trivial matter, to distract Ge Zhu?"

Chi You stepped out of the coffin and led him towards the foggy area, "Didn't you want to see your brother?"

Ge Wuchen lowered his eyes and gently twirled the prayer bead, "Master jests."


After sending Chi You on his way, Jiang Luo lifted the curtain of the bridal sedan chair. Inside, Lu Youyi lay unconscious, his brow furrowed as if trapped in a nightmare. Jiang Luo tapped his face, calling out, "Lu Youyi?" After calling his name three times, Lu Youyi suddenly jolted awake with a curse. 

Flailing his arms and legs in panic, Jiang Luo quickly stepped back. After a moment, Lu Youyi calmed down. Seeing Jiang Luo, he let out a sigh of relief, exhaling deeply, "You scared the shit out of me, Jiang Luo. Do you know what happened to me?"

"I blinked, and you disappeared, and next thing I knew, I was in the sedan chair with a bride-dressed ghost sitting inside."

His face was ashen from fear, "She nearly killed me."

It seems I wasn't the only one having a rough time.

This realization comforted Jiang Luo, instantly improving his mood, "It's alright now, come on out."

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