Chapter 34

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From root to tip, each strand of hair was so impeccably white it put the synthetic dyes of a barber's shop to shame, boasting a natural allure far superior.

Jiang Luo and the dark-haired young man in the mirror locked eyes, his eyebrows twitching fiercely.

Kuang Zheng, observing his complexion, awkwardly complimented, "It looks pretty good."

Lu Youyi leaned in and said, "Jiang Luo, did you go out to dye your hair today? It's such a subtle change, barely noticeable unless you look closely. But, I must say, the effect is actually quite nice."

Silently, Jiang Luo picked out the strand of white hair among his black locks, exactly as Lu Youyi described. The white hair, akin to a flowing pearl, served as a decoration amidst his hair, softening the brilliance his appearance naturally carried. Despite its beauty, Jiang Luo felt an unusual sense of discomfort.

Having his vitality and youth sapped away by a ghost meant more than just losing liveliness. This strand of hair would continue to grow, but it would always remain white, representing a premature step into his twilight years.

As a designer who often pulled all-nighters, nothing was more precious than his hair. If the malevolent spirit were still in front of him, Jiang Luo would have punched its infuriatingly handsome face without hesitation.

He grimly concealed the white hair among his black locks, grateful that only a few strands had been drained of life. Otherwise, his hairstyle would have transitioned from trendy to downright unconventional.

After resolving the incident by the river, the group set off back to school. Unbeknownst to Jiang Luo, his companions exchanged glances when he wasn't looking.

They didn't buy Jiang Luo's explanation for a second, but to avoid upsetting him, they tactfully shifted the conversation away.

How could it be that both car and person ended up in the river for no apparent reason?

They theorized that during his return, Jiang Luo might have been haunted by thoughts of Chi You, or perhaps Chi You had once again ensnared him, leading to his dazed state and the subsequent accident.

This series of unforeseen events deeply moved them. Jiang Luo was no longer the same person; his dedication to becoming stronger was all for Chi You, wasn't it?

The idea that a wayward soul could turn a new leaf always tugs at the heartstrings. They had come to see Jiang Luo as one of their own and couldn't stand to watch him suffer in this doomed romance. In his absence, they even convened a meeting, determined to prevent any further encounters between Jiang Luo and Chi You. But they felt that wasn't enough, deciding to follow Zhuo Zhongqiu's suggestion to nudge Jiang Luo towards a new romance.

As the saying goes, the best way to get over an old love is to find a new one.

Unaware of their intentions, Jiang Luo returned to school and resumed his research on the Yin-Yang Rings.

The twelve golden inscriptions of the Yin-Yang Rings could form the twelve zodiac animals, but the stronger the animal, the higher the demands on Jiang Luo. He wished to summon the Dragon to see it, but with his current abilities, he was unable to harness the twelve golden inscriptions to form the shape of a Dragon.

Jiang Luo wasn't in a hurry. After getting accustomed to controlling the golden inscriptions, he prepared to turn off the lights and sleep.

Lying in bed, a long-missed sense of tranquility enveloped him. Before drifting off, his mind wandered chaotically, pondering whether the golden inscriptions could see through Chi You's puppetry.

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