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Because he was thinking about the formation of the energy stone and wanted to modify it, Shu Shuishui woke up early the next day. The little dormouse turned over in his small bed, opened his eyes, and stayed still for a moment. His small ears twitched, his brain started functioning again, and in an instant, he jumped out of bed, landing with a soft thud. Then, he scurried straight to the location of the formation.

At the sound of Shu Shuishui’s small feet stepping on the floor, Gu Langu also woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a warm brown figure running around.

The formation was effective! Shu Shuishui happily bounced in front of the formation and checked each of the ten formations one by one.

Then he took out his notebook and recorded the corresponding plans one by one.

undefinedHe crossed out the formations that had no effect, marked the effective ones according to the actual situation, and sorted them. Shu Shuishui quickly lay on the floor, brushing and writing down the new plan.

Watching Shu Shuishui quickly enter a working state as soon as he woke up, Gu Langu stood quietly behind him, barefoot on the floor without making a sound. The little dormouse was still on the ground, a fluffy ball-like creature.

Gu Langu squatted down and couldn’t resist petting him.

The fur of the little dormouse became somewhat neat from being petted, and Shu Shuishui shook his fur, making it fluffy again. However, his writing motion didn’t stop at all, indicating that he wasn’t disturbed.

Seeing this, Gu Langu felt relieved and reached out to pet him. Each time he did, Shu Shuishui instinctively shook his fur and fluffed himself up.

Until Shu Shuishui finished writing the new plan, he stood up, turned around, and looked up at Gu Langu with a serious expression. “To be fair, I will pet your hand thirty-seven times today.”

Gu Langu’s motion of petting the dormouse paused. Thirty-seven times, it seemed to be the exact number of times he had just petted the dormouse. It turned out that the little dormouse, who hadn’t been affected by the work process at all, had been counting the number of times he was petted. This was something Gu Langu hadn’t expected, but was it important? Wasn’t the focus of the dormouse a bit off?

Shu Shuishui extended his small paw and touched Gu Langu’s still outstretched fingers, looking satisfied. (^-^)

One person petted the mouse, and the other person’s hand was petted. They each got what they wanted and were satisfied.

Gu Langu let Shu Shuishui’s small paw play on his hand, then greeted him. “Ah Shui.”

Shu Shuishui’s small ears twitched, feeling that Gu Langu, who had just woken up, had a particularly pleasant voice that the dormouse couldn’t resist.

Gu Langu noticed this reaction from Shu Shuishui and couldn’t help but curl his lips with delight, calling him again. “Ah Shui, Shuishui.”

His ears continued to tremble uncontrollably, and Shu Shuishui realized that he was actually voice-con. “What’s up?”

Gu Langu spoke seriously. “Good morning.”

Shu Shuishui tilted his little head and twitched his ears. “Good morning.”

The several-hundred-year-old young cub inexplicably blushed a bit, instinctively lowered his head, and happened to see Gu Langu’s bare feet. Shu Shuishui’s momentary embarrassment disappeared, and he pointed at Gu Langu’s feet. “A man’s feet are equivalent to a man’s kidneys. You shouldn’t walk barefoot on the floor.”

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