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After Shu Shuishui made an effort to straighten his small body with the help of Gu Langu, Yu Jin carefully compared the measurements, fearing that he might be off by a millimeter. However, no matter how precise they were, the newly stretched Shu Shuishui measured only 9.9 centimeters, falling short of 10 centimeters by just one millimeter.

Shu Shuishui, while trying to suck in his little belly and extend his torso, asked earnestly, “How tall is it?”

“Ten centimeters!”

“Ten centimeters.”

Yu Jin and Gu Langu, this time, achieved an uncanny synchronization without any eye contact. They responded in unison. After saying it, they glanced at each other, and in Yu Jin’s eyes, there was astonishment, that Gu Langu would actually falsify the data. In Gu Langu’s eyes, there was praise for Yu Jin surprisingly catching on.

Their eyes briefly met and then separated, continuing to look sincerely at Shu Shuishui.

Shu Shuishui let out a sigh of relief, his whole dormouse form went soft, and he sat up. “I knew it! I definitely am ten centimeters. When I’m in mouse form, I’m one of the tallest mice. My fellow mice rarely grow to ten centimeters…”

Shu Shuishui, a height enthusiast, finally had the opportunity to justify his height, making a case for himself as part of the ‘tall mice’ club since his human form fell short.

In truth, Yu Jin genuinely thought that Shu Shuishui in his human form was also tall, considering he was around 1.78 meters. It was only a difference of two centimeters, but it seemed that in Shu Shuishui’s eyes, anyone shorter than 1.8 meters was considered short. So Yu Jin chose to keep his thoughts to himself.

Gu Langu listened attentively as Shu Shuishui explained the average height of his fellow mice people, and as he listened, he genuinely started to feel that Shu Shuishui was indeed quite tall. Even Yu Jin was moved by Shu Shuishui’s sincere explanation and exclaimed, “So field mice are really that small, huh? Shui Shui is actually quite tall!”

Suddenly, Shu Shuishui choked, realizing that he was currently a “field mouse” and not a dormouse. He cautiously pointed towards his paw and then brought both paws together, pressing them against the side of his face. His furry little head tilted slightly, mimicking a sleeping posture, as he said, “Actually… actually, I have another name: Dormouse… because I sleep a lot.” The small dormouse demonstrated a sleeping pose.

Gu Langu and Yu Jin both couldn’t resist a simultaneous smile at Shu Shuishui’s sudden display of cuteness.

After spending such a long time together, Shu Shuishui’s initial anxiety and wariness when he arrived in this unfamiliar world had been gradually erased by the deepening bonds of friendship. Shu Shuishui felt that it was time to reveal his true self and his endearing quirks. He knew that not only Gu Langu but also his friends from Shui Jing Gong would protect him now.

However, after Shu Shuishui openly disclosed his identity, Yu Jin displayed a bewildered expression. “What kind of mouse is a ‘dormouse’?”

Shu Shuishui patted his own chest. “A dormouse is just like me, furry, loves to sleep, spends three out of four seasons sleeping. In autumn, I want to sleep; during winter, I hibernate; in spring, I’m not fully awake yet; and in summer, I wake up, take walks, date, and raise baby mice. But I’m a single mother mouse, and none of those mice are as good-looking as Gu Gu. Maybe that’s destiny…”

Listening to Shu Shuishui explain the characteristics of dormice and seeing his inclination to show affection, Yu Jin wore a look of disbelief. “How could there be such a mouse in the world? Won’t it starve itself by sleeping so much? Is this a new definition you’ve come up with for yourself, Shui Shui?”

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