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Because the spiritual storage couldn’t store live creatures, Shu Shuishui took out a roll of spiritual silkworm silk from the spiritual storage. Although the silk thread couldn’t bear a heavy load, it was enough to tie up a grasshopper and make it behave.

When Shu Shuishui first caught the grasshopper, its hind legs were still strong, kicking at Shu Shuishui’s paw, hoping to free itself from the dormouse’s grasp. But in the next second, the dormouse’s nose approached, almost touching the grasshopper. The dormouse sniffed a couple of times, seemingly detecting the scent, and its whiskers trembled slightly.

In the face of a natural enemy, the grasshopper finally became obedient.

Shu Shuishui held the hard-caught grasshopper and sniffed it, nodding his little head in reluctant satisfaction. After all, the grasshopper didn’t eat Spirit Grass, so it was understandable that the taste would be a bit different from the carefully nurtured ones.

undefinedFinding a slightly thicker dead branch and picking up a small stone, Shu Shuishui hammered the branch into the ground to secure it. Then it tied the grasshopper to it and continued hunting for the next one.

After all, Shu Shuishui was not just a dormouse now; it also had a humanoid pet to take care of. Shu Shuishui counted with his small paws, estimating how many it would take to satisfy Gu Langu’s appetite. “One livestock, two livestock, three livestock, four livestock… seventeen livestock, eighteen livestock… probably need a bowl…”

Gu Langu, who was already out searching for the simulator, had no idea that his little pet was preparing a “feast” for him.

Shu Shuishui continued moving through the grass, but the sparse vegetation meant there weren’t many grasshoppers around. Shu Shuishui went quite far before discovering the second grasshopper. His little ears instantly perked up, and he crouched low, observing the seemingly resting grasshopper. His short hind legs gathered strength and then he leaped out.

This time, Shu Shuishui was lucky and successfully caught it. The struggling grasshopper flapped its wings and almost slipped from Shu Shuishui’s grasp, but the small brown ball quickly pulled out the spiritual silkworm silk and swiftly wrapped the grasshopper. Finally, the grasshopper stopped struggling but was now wrapped up like a cocoon by Shu Shuishui.

Despite being bundled up like a dumpling, the grasshopper was unharmed, indicating Shu Shuishui’s mastery of handling meat.

Shu Shuishui picked up the bundled grasshopper, brought it close, and, as usual, waved its little nose to sniff. Satisfied, he extended his paw and patted the grasshopper’s head. “Don’t be afraid, I will fatten you up. I won’t eat you until you’re plump. Isn’t that a better thought?”

The grasshopper obviously couldn’t understand and couldn’t move at all. Its two antennae on its head tried their best to avoid Shu Shuishui’s small paw. Fortunately, the grasshopper couldn’t understand; otherwise, it might have cried.

Shu Shuishui tossed the grasshopper onto his back and, carrying the second livestock, happily walked back with a pitter-patter sound to the spot where he tied up the grasshoppers before. He then tied the second immobilized grasshopper to the branch.

However, Shu Shuishui realized that his good luck might have run out. After searching the surroundings, he couldn’t find a third grasshopper.

Perhaps there were only two grasshoppers in this grassland, or maybe they were scared away. Shu Shuishui had to consider searching further since he knew it would be five days before setting off. Shu Shuishui wasn’t in a rush to return to the base, as this wasn’t a desert. There weren’t strong temperature differences between day and night, so Shu Shuishui could camp outside.

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