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The grasshopper that had been petted, unfortunately lacking fur, was heartlessly reserved by Shu Shuishui for breakfast the next day. Shu Shuishui and Gu Langu rested on the balcony until after 9 PM. The humidity outside gradually increased, and the temperature was steadily dropping. Considering that Gu Langu also lacked fur, they returned to their room.

Compared to setting up tents on the rooftop, Shu Shuishui and Gu Langu preferred a less soft but spacious big bed. Therefore, the two of them still chose to rest in the boat’s dormitory.

As for the rest of the fleet, most of them preferred the land and had gone to rest on the rooftop or in the rooms on various floors. However, in this unfamiliar environment, they didn’t want to spread out too far, so they kept their distances relatively close.

The lively fleet gradually quieted down, and many had already entered dreamland.

The gray rats, accustomed to nighttime activities, started coming out one by one for a breath of fresh air. Of course, some of them were resting at night because they had been doing domestic chores during the day.

The underwater surveillance had excellent performance and outstanding night vision capabilities. Although the gray rats were vigilant, they hadn’t noticed the subtle changes underwater that weren’t life forms. However, they did manage to catch two snakes, judging by their vibrant colors and triangular heads, they were likely venomous.

These two snakes, however, were not particularly intelligent. While it was true that they were rats, the snakes didn’t seem to consider whether they could swallow something as large as the mutant rats. Moreover, as soon as they dove onto the boat, they were discovered by the gray rats and swiftly dealt with. As a result, the spoils of war hanging on the boat increased by two more items.

However, because the snakes’ entry point was quite tricky, the surveillance cameras didn’t capture that moment. Instead, they caught several large rats swiftly darting around the ship at night. These gray figures were agile and silent.

The people from the Shangyang Base were a bit chaotic at this moment. So, while this seemingly powerful fleet was approaching, they were actually dealing with a rat infestation, a mutation rat infestation at that. Based on what they saw earlier, the people on the boat had no defenses and were unaware of the mutation rat infestation.

“These group-dwelling mutant creatures are the trickiest. Should we wipe them out before they arrive? Once the rat infestation spreads, it can easily lead to an epidemic in this environment,” someone from the Shangyang Base suggested.

“We don’t even know if they can reach our location yet. Judging by the number of mutant rats, it seems quite severe. Perhaps it won’t take them long to self-destruct,” a more conservative person argued, reluctant to start a war.

“Do we have higher-resolution surveillance? We can’t see the full picture of the boat,” someone cautiously analyzed.

The Shangyang Base was particularly vigilant about this newly appeared fleet, especially considering its considerable size and advanced hardware equipment. The mental state of the personnel also seemed quite good, making it difficult for them to determine the situation regarding this fleet.

Cang Zhan Star was already facing a severe shortage of land and resources, especially with this year’s thawing and increased precipitation causing a rapid rise in sea levels, submerging large areas of land. In this complex situation in the Northern Hemisphere, where various bases were competing for habitable land, and with a continuous influx of migration fleets from the Southern Hemisphere, the situation had become even more complicated and tense.

However, as expected, the Northern Hemisphere had a unanimous hostile attitude towards newly migrating fleets. Land was limited, and the fewer people there were, the better. Therefore, most of the migrating fleets were still in a drifting state, unable to come ashore because once they did, they would face attacks from Northern Hemisphere bases.

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